God has rescued and provided for the children of Israel. They have experienced his miracles, wonders, provision and protection. Over and over, he has proven himself to be true and faithful to them. Over and over, they continue to doubt and fail. Even as they dwell in the Promised Land, they forget the God who brought them there!
In this story, the children of Israel have turned from God and have again started worshipping idols. God sends them judges, like Deborah to guide them and lead them back to God. This is the story of how Deborah and Barak lead the Israelites in battle against the Canaanites. Key Themes:
Memory Verse
Joshua 24:15
“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Songs
Books of the Old Testament
The B.I.B.L.E. He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands Hear, O Israel Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus I'm in the Lord's Army My God is so Big Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Stuck in the Mud This is a take on the classic game of freeze tag by Trueway Kids. Use this game to discuss being stuck in sin and what it looks like to help pull a friend out of sin. 2. Palm Tree Court Set up a make believe court for the kids and give them silly scenarios to "judge" between. Let the kids argue their case before the judge. You can find more information at Rotation.org. Story: In this story, the children of Israel have again fallen away from God. They have started worshipping idols and forgotten about all that God has done for them. As a consequence, God allowed them to be conquered by the neighboring Canaanites. This is the story of how Deborah and Barak faithfully lead the Israelites into battle against the Canaanites. SHOW the power point Deborah and Barak Go Into Battle or read Judges 4-5. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual Aids
Video: Deborah and Barak by My First Bible
God is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
The Promised Land finally belongs to the children of Israel, just as God had promised Abraham that it would! The journey was long and lots of hard lessons were learned in the wilderness.
In this story, the long journey is over, and Joshua's life is also coming to an end. Joshua, like Moses, leaves a final message and wisdom from his lifetime of partnering with God. Key Themes:
Memory Verse
Joshua 24:15
“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Songs
Books of the Old Testament
The B.I.B.L.E. The Castle of My Heart Hear, O Israel Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho My Father's House Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus Make Me a Servant This is My Father's World Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Service Project Have a simple service craft that the kids can help you assemble like soup in a jar or a decorating the bag and adding things for a small care package. SAY: In our story today, Joshua declares that he and his household will serve the Lord. That means that for as long as he lived, his family was going to serve God. How can we serve God together as a family? Brainstorm ways that you can serve. At the end of class, challenge the kids and their families to give their care package to someone in need. 2. Family Pictures Allow the children to spend some time drawing a picture of everyone in their family. If time allows, let each child share their drawing with the class and "introduce" their family to the class. Story: In this story, we see how Joshua was a leader to the Israelite people, up to the end of his life. Joshua's life began as a slave in Egypt, and he was very young when the Israelites left. He had seen the plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, and God's deliverance and provision as they wandered in the wilderness. Due to his faith, he was one of the very few Israelites who lived from the time of Egypt to the gates of the Promised Land. As Joshua's life is coming to an end, he has an important message for his fellow Israelites. SHOW the power point Joshua's Final Challenge or read Joshua 23:1-24:33. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
God has rescued and provided for the children of Israel. They have experienced his miracles, wonders, provision and protection. Over and over, he has proven himself to be true and faithful to them. Over and over, they continue to doubt and fail. Joshua is now the new leader of the Israelite people.
In this story, God tells Joshua that he is going to give the city of Jericho into their hands. Instead of making the same mistake their mothers and fathers do, they follow God's specific directions and find their first victory. All the people of Jericho are destroyed except a woman named Rahab, whose faithfulness to God and His people rescues her and all the people in her household. Key Themes:
Memory Verse
Joshua 24:15
“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Songs
Books of the Old Testament
The B.I.B.L.E. He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands Hear, O Israel Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus I'm in the Lord's Army My God is so Big StoryBegin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Hide-A-Spy Choose a small figure to represent a spy. Hide the spy somewhere in the classroom and let the children find him. Let the child that finds him have a turn hiding him. Play a few rounds depending on the amount of time you have. 2. Build a City Wall Use cardboard blocks or boxes to build wall and talk about how that represents the city. This is a great story to have the children role play. Use the city you built to act out the story later. 3. Follow the Leader This story is all about following directions! Play a game of follow the leader. Let the children take turns being the leader. SAY: In today's story, God gave Joshua very specific directions about what he needed to do to defeat Jericho. The spies told Rahab exactly what she needed to do to rescue herself and her family. How important is it to follow directions? What do you think would happen if the people did not follow directions? Story: In this story, we are reminded that God wants to have obey Him! The Israelites were going to try to take the Promised Land once again! After wandering in the wilderness due to their lack of faith, they were ready to do exactly what God asked them to! SHOW the power points The Spies and Rahab and Joshua and Jericho or read Joshua 2:1-24 and Joshua 6:1-27. Note: This is a really fun story for the children to act out. Gather as many props as you can and let them help you tell the story! EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
God has rescued and provided for the children of Israel. They have experienced his miracles, wonders, provision and protection. Over and over, he has proven himself to be true and faithful to them. Over and over, they continue to doubt and fail.
In this story, the long journey is over. The children of Israel have arrived at the Promised Land. However, given another opportunity to trust God, they falter. Key Themes:
Memory Verse
Joshua 24:15
“But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Songs
Books of the Old Testament
The B.I.B.L.E. He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands Hear, O Israel Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus I'm in the Lord's Army My God is so Big Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. I Spy Play a game of I Spy in your classroom. You can also makeI Spy jars or use an I Spy book at circle time. Introduce the idea of a spy. SAY: It is a spy's job to secretly look and learn, to collect information and help someone make an important decision. Moses gave 12 spies a very important job on behalf of the people of Israel. They examined the situation using their earthly eyes. Joshua and Caleb looked using their spiritual eyes. They knew what God could do! 2. Taste Test Food is always a good way to get kids attention. Bring grapes, pomegranate and figs. Let the kids taste test the different fruit. SAY: In today's story, these foods were used to show how good the Promised Land was. 3. God Glasses Supplies: cheap reading glasses, magnifying glass or binoculars, sun glasses, etc. Ask the kids: "what do all of these things have in common?" They affect the way we see. Some make us see more clearly, others help us see far away things up close. Sun glasses help us see things a little darker if it is too bright. None of these items change the thing we are looking at, they only change the way our eyes see it. In today's story, Moses sent 12 men went to spy on the Promised Land. All 12 men saw the same things, two of the men had a very different report to give Moses than the other ten. Why? Because they were looking at things with their "God glasses" on! Discuss how knowing God changes how we see things around us. Story: In this story, we are reminded that God wants to have faith in Him and that when we partner with Him, nothing is impossible. Apart from Him, we can do nothing! The Israelites must be so excited! After a long journey, God has finally brought them home. However, the land God has promised him is inhabited by lots of other people--big, strong people! SHOW the power point Twelve Spies Sent into Canaan or read Numbers 13:1-14:45 EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
As the Israelites wander in the wilderness, they continually prove their sinful nature as God continually demonstrates his forgiving and faithful nature.
In this story, God send serpents to punish the people for their rebellion. However, he also demonstrates his mercy by instructing Moses to create a brass serpent and set it up on the pole with the promise that anyone who looks upon it will not die. Those who were obedient were rescued and those who were too prideful to look perished. In this story, God also gives us a clue as to how he will ultimately save us from spiritual death as well. Key Themes:
Memory Verse
Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.” John 3:14-15
Books of the Old Testament
The B.I.B.L.E. Be Careful Little Eyes He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands Hear, O Israel Go Down Moses 10 Commandments Song Humble Yourself in the Sight of the Lord We Shall Assemble on the Mountain Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace Jesus, Lamb of God Make Me a Servant Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Snakes Brainstorm other stories in the Bible that have snakes in them. (Eve sins, Moses and Aaron's staffs become snakes? Share some interesting snake facts with the kids or show this video. 2. Gratitude Should Be Our Attitude! Create a gratitude jar, tree, or chain. Allow the kids to take turns listing things they are thankful to God about! SAY: I am so glad that you have an attitude of gratitude! That pleases God! We know that because in today's story, we learn what happened when the children of Israel complained against Moses and even worse, against God! Story: In this story, we are reminded that God wants us to be grateful for the blessings he gives us. We also learn that complaining is actually a form of disobedience! This story teaches us how to please God and shows us about God's compassion and forgiveness. It also gives us a special clue about Jesus and how he would eventually save his people forever! SHOW the power point Moses and the Serpent of Brass or read Numbers 21:4-9. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
In the beginning of Genesis, God creates a beautiful garden where he can dwell with his people. However, their disobedience (sin) spoiled that plan and sin separated him from his people. God has not given up on his children.
In this story, we learn about a new plan for God to dwell with his people, in spite of their sinful ways. He instructs Moses and the Israelites to build a very specific place, called The Tabernacle, where God can live among his people again. The different parts to the Tabernacle teach us what is required to restore relationship with God. Key Themes:
Memory Verse
Mark 12:29-31 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Books of the Old Testament
The B.I.B.L.E. Be Careful Little Eyes He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands Hear, O Israel Go Down Moses 10 Commandments Song Humble Yourself in the Sight of the Lord We Shall Assemble on the Mountain Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace Jesus, Lamb of God I Want to Be a Worker for the Lord Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Tabernacle Print out symbols of the tabernacle and place them while telling the kids about the different parts. This is an excellent resource about teaching kids this topic. 2. Blueprints Show the children some examples of blueprints. There are very simple ones online you can print from home plan stores. SAY: Whenever someone builds a house, they start with a blueprint or a plan. This tells the builder exactly how to build the house. For example, how big it should be and where certain walls should be. What kind of fixtures it should have and what kind of materials to use: wood or stone. God wanted to live among his people. But, he needed a house. He gave Moses a blue print, or plan, for how his house should be built. His house was called The Tabernacle. 3. Measure Your Classroom Bring in measuring tapes, yard sticks and/or rulers. Measure different parts of your classroom such as the length and width of the classroom, size of tables, cabinets, etc. Discuss the importance of measurements when building a building. Why do they need to be exact? What if everyone measured using their own form of measurement? Would your building stand? Story: In this story, we are reminded that God wants to dwell (or live) among us. The Israelites were God's children and just like most parents, God wanted to live with his children and have a relationship with them. God's house was called the Tabernacle. This is the story of how it was built and what it was like. SHOW the power point Moses and the Tabernacle or read Exodus 25-40. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
God has freed the Israelites from slavery using powerful plagues. He rescued them from the hands of the Egyptians by parting the Red Sea. God had led the people through the wilderness as a cloud and a pillar of fire. God had given the Israelites very clear instructions about how to please Him and promised that if they obeyed him, they would be his very special people.
But, in just 40 days, they began to forget all of that and turned to a God they had formed with their own hands. Memory Verse
Mark 12:29-31 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Books of the Old Testament
The B.I.B.L.E. Be Careful Little Eyes He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands Hear, O Israel Go Down Moses 10 Commandments Song Humble Yourself in the Sight of the Lord We Shall Assemble on the Mountain Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace Jesus, Lamb of God Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Memory Games Play some games that test the kids memory such as memory, trivia or game Where is the Ball? Isn't it amazing how God made our brains? He gave us a memory! Our memory helps us remember things that make us happy and things that make us sad. We can remember consequences so we can learn from our mistakes. Today, we are going to learn about when the children of Israel forgot about all that God had done for them. 2. What is an Idol? Remind the children about the 10 Commandments and even more specifically, the first one. Ask the kids, "What does it mean to have other gods?" Do we worship other gods today? Brainstorm some things that we may make into idols. Depending on the age you may say: TV, toys, video games, phones, friends, someone famous, a sports star. An idol is anything that we look to for blessing, or help, or guidance instead of God. Today, our story is about the children of Israel creating and worshipping their own idol--a Golden Calf. 3. Playdough Calf Give each child a piece of clay or playdough (bonus if its yellow or orange!). Challenge each kid to make their very best statue of a cow. Let each child show and describe their cow statue. Then lead the children in discussed with questions like, "Do you think the cow you made could protect you?" "Do you think it could listen to you and help you if needed something?" "Would you want to bow down and worship this cow?" "Would you call this cow your God?" SAY: In todays story, the children of Israel made a cow statue just like we did today. Except, the held a festival and named their cow statue their new God! How do you think that made God feel after everything he had done for them? Story: In this story, we learn about how the Israelites forgot about all that God had done for them. They forgot about the 10 Commandments that they agreed to follow! Instead they chose to create an idol and worship it instead of the true and living God. They pressured Aaron into going along with their plan. This story gives us a glimpse into how displeased the Lord is when we set idols up in his place. SHOW the power point Moses and the Golden Calf or read Exodus 32. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
The Israelites are now on their journey to the promised land. They are camping near Mt. Sinai. In this story, God promises Moses and the children of Israel that if they will obey the Lord, they will be His treasured people. The Israelites promise they will.
God knew the Israelites would need to know HOW to obey the Lord. God gave them a very clear set of instructions known as the Ten Commandments. If the people followed these instructions perfectly, they would be blameless before the Lord. Memory Verse
Mark 12:29-31 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Books of the Old Testament
The B.I.B.L.E. He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands 12 Tribes of Israel My God is So Big Pharoah, Pharoah, Let My People Go Go Down Moses 10 Plagues of Egypt Song Humble Yourself in the Sight of the Lord Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace Jesus, Lamb of God Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. What Pleases the Lord? Ephesians 5:10 says to: find out what pleases the Lord. Brainstorm things that please the Lord and things that displease the Lord. For younger children you may say, things that make God happy and things that make God sad. Ask the children how they know what makes God happy or sad? Imagine if you wanted to please God but you didn't really know how. Our story today was how God taught the Israelites how to please him. 2. Red Light, Green Light Play a few rounds of a red light, green light. You can read the rules here. After the game, connect it to the story. SAY: In the Bible, there were things God said STOP to and things he said Go to. Introduce the idea of rules or boundaries. Lead a discussion about why we have rules or boundaries. Do they protect us? Do they teach us right and wrong? You can use the example of stop and go lights. What if no one paid attention and went whenever they wanted to? What could happen? Would it be safe to drive on the roads? Story: In this story, we learn about how God began to teach the Israelites how to be his people. If they were going to be his people, he wanted them to know what pleased him and what displeased him. Even more than that, God made a list of commandments (or rules) to protect His children from the consequences of sin. SHOW the power point Moses at Mt. Sinai or read Exodus 19-24. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
After over 400 years in slavery, Pharoah has agreed to "Let God's people go!" The Lord led the Israelites out of Egypt as a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire by night. However, as the Israelites reached the Red Sea, the Egyptians appeared ready to recapture them drag them back into captivity. Pharoah had change his mind. This story demonstrates that God will fight for you.
Memory Verse
Mark 12:29-31 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Books of the Old Testament
The B.I.B.L.E. He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands 12 Tribes of Israel My God is So Big Pharoah, Pharoah, Let My People Go Go Down Moses 10 Plagues of Egypt Song Humble Yourself in the Sight of the Lord Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace Jesus, Lamb of God Story
egin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Would You Rather-Impossible Edition Ask the kids some "Would You Rather" Questions about things that would be impossible. For example: Would you rather be able to teleport to a different part of the world or be able to become invisible? OR Would you rather be able to make a toy to come life or have every toy in the world? The kids may have some too! Challenge the older kids to think of their own. Remind the kids that with God, anything is possible and our lesson today shows that! 2. The Great Escape Purchase a premade one from Etsy or TPT or create an escape room in your classroom. You can include review questions and clues about the life of Moses so far. Here are some examples:
Story: In this story, we learn about how God did the impossible to rescue the Israelites. Pharoah's had agreed to let God's people go, but his heart again grew hard and sent 600 chariots to bring the people back. Even after God sent terrible things like frogs, and flies and boils! Still, Pharoah was prideful he refused to admit defeat. God delivered the Israelites in a miraculous way, proving again that he is the one true God. SHOW the power point Moses, Red Sea Crossing or read Exodus 13:17-15:21. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
After over 400 years in slavery, Pharoah has agreed to "Let God's people go!" However, the hard-hearted Pharoah only relented when God issued much suffering on the Egyptian people through the plagues.
The last, and most devastating plague resulted in the death of every first born among the Egyptian households. The Hebrew people were spared as long as they followed a specific set of directions that God would give them involving the sacrifice of a lamb and the protection of a home covered in its blood. This act would give the Israelite people clues as to how God would eventually rescue them from being a slave to death! Memory Verse
“Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.” Numbers 12: 3
Books of the Old Testament
The B.I.B.L.E. He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands 12 Tribes of Israel My God is So Big Pharoah, Pharoah, Let My People Go Go Down Moses 10 Plagues of Egypt Song Humble Yourself in the Sight of the Lord Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace Jesus, Lamb of God Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Unleavened Bread from Mission Bible Class Let the children taste and compare normal bread and unleavened bread (matzo bread from specialty shops or simply the bread we use for communion). Notice the air holes in the leavened bread that make it light and fluffy. This happens when leaven (like yeast) is added to the recipe and the dough is allowed to rise. Read a recipe for yeast bread and discuss how long it takes to make it. Compare that to a simple and quick recipe for unleavened bread. “If you were in a hurry, which kind of bread would you make? Of course, we would want to make the unleavened bread because we wouldn’t have to wait for it to rise. When the Lord brought the last plague on Egypt, He told the Israelites to eat a special meal and be ready to leave Egypt quickly. They did not have time to make leavened bread.” Review the plagues using one of the games below... 2. Plague Charades from Trueway Kids
3. Pharoah's Challenge by Trueway KidsThis a fun and engaging game that allows the group to compete in a series of challenges that represent each of the plagues of Egypt. For each plague, come up with a challenge that represents the essence of the plague. For example:
Story: Remind the children why Abraham's family (known as the Hebrews) were now living in Egypt. Remind the children about the first seven plagues that God had used to convince Pharoah to let the Hebrew people go. In this story, we learn about how God used plagues--really bad things to convince Pharoah to let God's people go. However, Pharoah's heart was hard and he refused. Even after God sent terrible things like frogs, and flies and boils! Still, Pharoah went toe to toe with God! Finally, God delivered a final and terrible blow. One that would affect the prideful and disobedient Egyptians in a horrible way, but would spare obedient Hebrews. SHOW the power point The Plagues, pt 2 or read Exodus 10-12. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
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