When Jesus came to Earth, he performed miracles to prove that he was the Son of God. In this story, Jesus showed his power over the Earth. In this miracle, Jesus proved that he could provide for Earthly needs-in really creative ways!
Key Themes: 1. Jesus did miracles to convince us that He is the Son of the almighty God. 2. A miracle is a special act of God's power. 3. Jesus told his disciples to have faith instead of fear. Memory Verse
John 20:30, 31––“Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.”
Books of the New Testament
Apostles Song Sea of Galilee Do Lord He's Got the Whole World in His Hands Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Go Fish Relay: Supplies: A few dowel ‘fishing rods’ with twine that has a magnet on the end, metal paper clips, paper fish with single words from the key verse written on them (for younger kids who can’t read yet, it could be a pieces of a jigsaw that relates to the lesson). What to do: Divide the kids into as many teams as you have sets of fishing rods. Put out a set of fish that make up the verse in line with each team. How to play: Play a relay game where each of the teams has to fish out all the fish that make up the memory verse or the picture. When you say ‘go’, have the kids take turns to catch a fish. The first team to correctly assemble the verse wins! To make it more challenging for older kids, you could add in fish that have words that aren’t in the key verse! (From resourceforkidsministry.com) Story: Since the days of Abraham, God's people have been waiting for the Messiah--or "Anointed One." The Jews were expecting a mighty warrior king, like David. Jesus was so different from what they expected, many of the Jews didn't even recognize him. God knew it would be important for the His Son to be able to prove that he was the Son of God. He gave Jesus the power to perform miracles. Review: What is a miracle? A miracle is not a magic trick. A miracle is a special act of God's power. -A miracle always had immediate and instant results. -They were always successful. -They were always performed to help someone or glorify God. READ the story of A Coin in a Fish's Mouth, or Matthew 17:24-27. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Bright Dot Fish Sign Craft from Oriental Trading
Note: add a gold circle sticker to their mouth
Super Cute Paper Fish Craft
Cardstock in Bright Colors, Large googly eyes, markers, sequins, stapler, scissors, tacky glue, and glue dots (optional).
Paper Plate and Tissue Paper Tropical Fish
Supplies: Large Paper Plate, Scissors, Stapler, Colored Tissue Paper, White School Glue, Wiggle Eyes
When Jesus came to Earth, he performed miracles to prove that he was the Son of God. In this story, Jesus showed his power over the Earth. He demonstrated that he could walk on water.
Key Themes: 1. Jesus did miracles to convince us that He is the Son of the almighty God. 2. A miracle is a special act of God's power. 3. Jesus told his disciples to have faith instead of fear. Memory Verse
John 20:30, 31––“Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.”
Books of the New Testament
Apostles Song Blue Skies and Rainbows Cast Your Burdens I've Got Peace Like a River Our God is an Awesome God Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Trust Fall or Jump: Ask your child to jump into your arms. Hopefully they will do it with pleasure. To take it a step further, ask them to look in the other direction and to fall backwards and allow you to catch them. (Truewaykids.org) Share it’s easier to trust when you see the person. Remind your child that they can always trust God. He has the power to always look after them. 2. BrainStrain Puzzles: Put out these brain strain puzzles and see if the kids can solve them. (Better for older kids) 3. Who is the strongest? Who is the bravest? Ask the kids "What makes a person strong?", "What makes a person brave?" Write down names of people they think are strong and brave. Story: Since the days of Abraham, God's people have been waiting for the Messiah--or "Anointed One." The Jews were expecting a mighty warrior king, like David. Jesus was so different from what they expected, many of the Jews didn't even recognize him. God knew it would be important for the His Son to be able to prove that he was the Son of God. He gave Jesus the power to perform miracles. What is a miracle? A miracle is not a magic trick. A miracle is a special act of God's power. -A miracle always had immediate and instant results. -They were always successful. -They were always performed to help someone or glorify God. READ the story of Jesus Walks on Water, or Matthew 14:22-26. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the Story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Peter Walks on Water Craft by Trueway Kids
Supplies: Template, Colored Pencils, Scissors
Faith vs. Doubt (from Mission Bible Class.org)
Before class half fill two clear drinking glasses with water. Stir three tablespoons salt into one of the glasses. Label the salted water “faith” and the plain water “doubt”. Draw a face on an egg to use for this activity. Review the story and talk about what would happen if you tried to walk on water. As you do this then gently drop the egg into the “doubt” water and watch it sink. Then talk about how that Jesus walked on water while you drop the egg in the “faith” water. The egg should float. Continue to tell the story showing how Peter floated (faith glass) and then sank (doubt glass). Then describe some real life situations that the children might face and let them place the egg in the “faith” or “doubt” glass according to the way they would act in the situation. Practice this at home first!
When Jesus came to Earth, he performed miracles to prove that he was the Son of God. In this story, Jesus showed his power over the Earth. He demonstrated that he could control the weather.
Key Themes: 1. Jesus did miracles to convince us that He is the Son of the almighty God. 2. A miracle is a special act of God's power. 3. Jesus told his disciples to have faith instead of fear. Memory Verse
John 20:30, 31––“Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.”
Books of the New Testament
Apostles Song Blue Skies and Rainbows Cast Your Burdens I've Got Peace Like a River Our God is an Awesome God Story
egin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Empty the Boat. Make a circle in the middle of the room as the boat. Scrunch up old pieces of paper into balls. One or more children must go into the boat, while the other players tried to throw the pieces of paper into the boat area. It is the goal of the people in the boat to get the paper out as much as possible. Reflect on how the disciples would have tried to scoop the water out of the boat to stop it from sinking. (Truewaykids.com) 2. Make Waves (STEM): Fill a container of water. Try to find different objects which will create wind to blow over the water. For example, you could use a straw, a piece of cardboard to flap near to the water, or a fan. You could shake the container and drop things in it. Measure which things cause the biggest waves. Talk about how strong you blow affects how big the wave becomes. (Truewaykids.com) Story: Since the days of Abraham, God's people have been waiting for the Messiah--or "Anointed One." The Jews were expecting a mighty warrior king, like David. Jesus was so different from what they expected, many of the Jews didn't even recognize him. God knew it would be important for the His Son to be able to prove that he was the Son of God. He gave Jesus the power to perform miracles. What is a miracle? A miracle is not a magic trick. A miracle is a special act of God's power. -A miracle always had immediate and instant results. -They were always successful. -They were always performed to help someone or glorify God. READ the story of Jesus Calms a Storm, or Matthew 8:23-27. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the Story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Jesus Calms the Storm Printable
Supplies: Template from Truewaykids.org, Blue paper, Colored pencils, Scissor, Glue, Popsicle Stick
Jesus Calms the Storm Brad Wheel by Bible Crafts By Jenny
Supplies: Template, paper, crayons, scissors, brads
Jesus Calms a Storm Pool Noodle Boat by 123Homeschool4Me.com
Supplies: Template, Pool Noodles, Popsicle Stick, Glue
Jesus used parables to teach the people about important things He wanted them to know about God and His kingdom. One of the parables he told about a fig tree to help his followers understand that God is very patient.
1. A parable is a story about an everyday example that teaches a spiritual truth. 2. Jesus taught us how to live to please God. 3. Jesus wants us to understand how much God loves us. Memory Verse
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
-I John 4:7 Songs
Books of the New Testament
This Little Light of Mine Read Your Bible And Pray Everyday Be Patient From the Rising of the Sun Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Bring Figs or Fig Cookies. Introduce the idea of a fig tree and how Jesus used plants and farming to help the people understand. Many of the people were farmers, so using the idea of plants is something they could connect to. 2. ASK: What is the difference between a plant and a weed? Discuss the idea of weeds. Story: Jesus wanted his followers to understand how patient God is and how long he is willing to wait READ the story of The Useless Tree, and/or the Parable of The Wheat and Weeds or tell them the story. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the Story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Parable of the Wheat Craft by Oriental Trading
Jesus used parables to teach the people about important things He wanted them to know about God and His kingdom. One of the parables Jesus told was about how we should be persistent in prayer.
1. A parable is a story about an everyday example that teaches a spiritual truth. 2. Jesus taught us how to live to please God. 3. Jesus wants us to understand how we should be persistent in prayer. Memory Verse
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
-I John 4:7 Songs
Books of the New Testament
Knock, Knock, Knock Be Still and Know God is So Good I Will Call Upon the Lord Let Us Pray We Fall Down Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Read The Little Engine That Could. Discuss the idea of the word "persistent" and not giving up when we know what we want or need to do is right. 2. ASK: Have you ever wanted something very, very badly and your parents asked you to wait? Did you keep asking? God wants us to feel that same way when are asking for good things in prayer. He doesn't want us to ask once. He wants us to ask over and over again. 3. Plan and play some Minute to Win It Games. Be sure to encourage the kids to not give up as they play their game or try to accomplish their challenge. Story: Jesus wanted his followers to understand that God wants them to talk to him about their problems. He wanted them to understand how important persistent prayer is. READ the Parable of the Persistent Friend or tell them the story. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the Story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Prayer Chain
Supplies: Strips of Paper, Stapler or Tape, Markers Give each child 5-10 strips of paper. Encourage them to write the same of friends or family that they can pray for. Use them to create a prayer chain. Send each child home with their smaller chain or keep a larger chain in the classroom and use it to pray for the remainder of the quarter.
Jesus used parables to teach the people about important things He wanted them to know about God and His kingdom. One of the parables he told were about ten girls who participated in a wedding feast. Five of the bridesmaids were ready, and the other five were not. Jesus wanted the people to always be ready because we do not know the day of his return.
1. A parable is a story about an everyday example that teaches a spiritual truth. 2. Jesus taught us how to live to please God. 3. Jesus wants us to understand how important it is to be ready for His return. Memory Verse
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
-I John 4:7 Songs
Books of the New Testament
This Little Light of Mine Give Me Oil in My Lamp The Battle Belongs to the Lord He's Got the Whole World in His Hands I Will Enter His Gates Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus Oh Lord I Thought This Day Would Never Come Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Suitcase: Bring a suitcase, along with items you might use on a particular trip. As you show each item, talk about why you packed that item, such as an umbrella in case of rain, etc. SAY: "Before we go on a trip, we need to be prepared. Jesus once told a parable about how we should be prepared for when He comes back to take us to heaven." (missionbibleclass.org) 2. ASK: Have you ever been to a wedding? What are some traditions or things that we usually do at a wedding? (ideas: bridesmaids catch the bouquet, ceremony, rings, kiss, cake, etc.) Allow the children to share experiences they had at weddings or what they know about a wedding. SAY: In Jesus's time, one of the traditions they had were that the bride and her friends would wait at her families home until the groom came to see her. When he finally came (which would sometimes take a while) the bride and her bridesmaids would go into the wedding. Jesus told a story about some bridesmaids who were not ready, and missed being invited in to the wedding! 3. Clay or Playdough: Provide air dry clay or playdough. Let each child shape and form their own shallow bowl for a lamp. If possible, place an LED to represent the flame. Let the children help tell the story using their props. Story: Jesus wanted his followers to understand that they would not know the hour, or even the day of His return. So, it would be extra important for them to be ready for when He arrived so they could go to Heaven with him. READ The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids or tell them the story. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Jesus used parables to teach the people about important things He wanted them to know about God and His kingdom. Some of the parables he told were about how God feels about the people who are lost and how much he loves them. Here are three parables that teach us about being lost and found. You can teach using just one of the parables, or if time allows, all three.
1. A parable is a story about an everyday example that teaches a spiritual truth. 2. Jesus taught us how to live to please God. 3. Jesus wants us to understand how much God loves us. Memory Verse
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
-I John 4:7 Songs
Books of the New Testament
This Little Light of Mine Amazing Grace I Just Want To Be a Sheep Lord, My Desire Lord, Reign in Me Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus Jesus Loves Me Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Lost Coins: Hide 10 coins (or fake coins/chocolate coins) around the classroom. Ask the kids to help you find the coins. For younger kids, ask them to help you count the coins to practice counting to 10. Explain to the kids why finding the coins were so important to you! 2. ASK: Have you ever lost something very important to you or your family? How did it feel while it was lost? How hard did you look for it? Did you ever find it? If so, how did you feel when you found it? 3. Coin Rubbing: Have crayons, blank pieces of paper and some coins. It is even more interesting if you have unusual coins such as silver dollars, or coins from other countries. Discuss the idea of money and why it is/was important. What would losing it mean for someone? Story: Jesus wanted his followers to understand that because of sin, God has lost His special people. He couldn't talk to them they way He wanted to. He couldn't love them the way He wanted to. Most importantly, He couldn't live with them the way He wanted to. They were lost! Jesus also wanted the people to understand how much God wanted to FIND His people and what lengths He would go to rescue them and get them back. READ the Parable of The Lost Sheep, the Parable of the Lost Son, and/or the Parable of the Lost Coin. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the Story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
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