This is the story of how God made a covenant (or promise) with Abraham. We recently learned that God cleansed the world from sin using a great flood. But, he promised he would never do that again. He had a new plan to cleanse the world from sin. God chose one man, Abram. His family would be the beginning of a new nation that would be called God’s people.
First, God asked Abram to leave his home and his relatives and begin travelling. Abram took his wife, Sarai, and his nephew, Lot and left his home and began to travel and live in tents. The Lord also told Abram that his name would be great and that the whole world would be blessed through this new nation. Abram believed God and had living faith. Key Themes: 1. Faith is being sure of what we hope for, but do not see. 2. God's plan for a savior began with Abraham's family. 3. God wants us to have faith. Memory Verse
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”
Hebrews 11:1 Songs
Books of the Old Testament
Rock-a my Soul Abraham's Journey FatherAbraham I'm Calling You, Abraham Three Wandering Jews Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Build a Tent or Fort: Use sheets or blankets and chairs to make a fort. Discuss what it's like to live in a tent vs. a house. A tent is meant to be a temporary dwelling. It doesn't have a bathroom or a playroom. Discuss the pros and cons. SAY: Today, we are going to talk about a man who chose to follow God and live in a tent for a long time. Allow the kids to listen to the story while sitting in the tent. 2. Pack Your Bags: Pack a few small bags and say. Pack one with things you would take to the beach such as sunglasses, swim suit, umbrella, snorkel gear, sand box toys, and/or a beach towel. Pack another bag with a coat, mittens, hat, ski goggles, etc. You can pack bags that would illustrate any other destination such as camping, a picnic, or Disney World. Let the kids guess where you are going with that bag. Then SAY: But what if I wasn't sure where I was going? How would I know what to pack? In our story today, Abram was not sure where he was going, but he trusted that God would provide whatever he needed. Story: We have been talking about how God tried to redeem the world from sin. However, it became apparent that as hard as people tried, they would always struggle with sin. God decides to create a new plan, through a new family. The beginning of this family would begin with a man of faith named Abram, and would later be called Abraham. SHOW the power point Abraham's Journey of Faith. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
This is the story of the Tower of Babel. This explains why we have so many languages on the Earth. It also teaches how God views pride in his people. There is a difference between good pride and bad pride. In many ways, the people in Babylon wanted to be like their own God. They wanted to make a name for themselves and bring praise to themselves instead of praising God.
Key Concepts: 1. Pride grieves God. 2. Obeying God is very important. 3. We should only worship God. Memory Verse
“The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as, some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9
Books of the Old Testament
Awesome God The Word Was With God Genesis 1:1 The Castle of My Heart Lord I Lift Your Name on Heart My God is So Big Be Careful Little Eyes Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Play with Blocks: Put out blocks or other building toys and let the kids build towers while waiting for class to start. SAY: Today, we are going to talk about people who wanted to build a tower. But, they wanted to build a tower to make a name for themselves instead of building something to glorify God. 2. Different Languages: Teach the kids how to say hello or I Love You in different languages. SAY: Today, we are going to talk about how we got so many different languages on the Earth. Story: Even after the flood, sin started creeping back in to the world. This time, the sin that started to creep back in was pride. Pride is a sneaky sin because it can make us think we are doing something good. However, anything we do should always glorify God. We shouldn't do good things to glorify ourselves. READ Genesis 11:1-9 or show the power point Tower of Babel EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
Build an Edible Tower
Use small square cookies and crackers. Use icing or peanutbutter to stick the pieces together.
This is the conclusion to the story of how God saved Noah, his family, and the animals from the floodwaters. In this story, faithful Noah sees the fulfillment of God's long awaited promise to cleanse the Earth from evil and rescue Noah and his family from that terrible flood.
Noah's faith allowed him to save himself and his family. Noah is an example of faith and obedience. Noah learns that God can be trusted to always do what he says He is going to do. Our God keeps His promises! Key Concepts: 1. God keeps His promises. 2. Obeying God is very important. 3. God never forgets those who are faithful to Him. Noah was saved by faith. Memory Verse
Genesis 9:16
“Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind.” Songs
Books of the Old Testament
Awesome God Do Lord The Word Was With God Genesis 1:1 Rise & Shine (Arky, Arky) Rainbow Song God Told Noah Step by Step (Older Kids) Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Rainbow Science Activities: Demonstrate or allow the kids to perform some simple Rainbow themed science activities.Little Bins, Little Hands has several on their blog. SAY: Today, we are going to talk about the first time God put a rainbow in the sky! 2. Promises: Begin a conversation about promises. Is it important to keep a promise? How do you feel when someone breaks their promise to you? SAY: Today, we are going to talk about God, and how he kept his promise to Noah. 3. Share fun facts about rainbows with the kids. You can also show this video if it is helpful. SAY: Today, we are going to talk about the first time there was a rainbow in the sky and what rainbows mean to us. Story: We have been learning about Noah. Noah followed and trusted God. He had faith in God. But Noah didn't just say he had faith in God. Noah demonstrated his faith by obeying everything God told him to do. God told Noah to build an ark. Check. Noah did it. God told Noah to put food and supplies in the ark. Check. Noah did that too. Finally, God told Noah to put the animals and his family in the ark. Check. Noah did everything God told him to do! Perhaps it is because Noah already knew what we are going to learn about today! God keeps his promises! If God says He will do it, we can believe God! READ Genesis 8 or show the power point Noah Builds an Ark, part 3. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual Aids
Trueway Kids: Noah's Ark (Video and Printables)
Saddleback Kids: Noah's Ark (Video) God's Story: Noah's Ark (Video) Minno: Who is Noah? (Video) God is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
This is the story of how God shut Noah, his family, and the animals into the ark and sent the floodwaters, just as he said he would. Too late is a terrible feeling. For the people on Earth who refused to hear Noah's warning, it was just that--too late.
Noah's faith allowed him to save himself and his family. Noah is an example of faith and obedience. Key Concepts: 1. Sin grieves God. 2. Obeying God is very important. 3. God never forgets those who are faithful to Him. Noah was saved by faith. Memory Verse
Genesis 9:16
“Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind.” Songs
Books of the Old Testament
Awesome God The Word Was With God Genesis 1:1 Rise & Shine (Arky, Arky) Rainbow Song God Told Noah Songs
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Make simple rain sticks: Allow the children to make simple rain sticks as you wait for class to begin. As you tell the story, tell the kids to shake the rain sticks anytime they hear the word "rain" in the story. (Idea from 2. Animal Match-up: Print out cards with 2 of each animal on it. Let the kids play a game of "memory" to pair all of the animals up. SAY: Today, we are going to talk about how God sent a mommy and daddy of every animal into the ark to rescue them from the flood. 3. Noah's Ark Stem Kit: Better for older kids. Challenge the kids to build their own ark using materials you provide. At the end of class, test to see whose design can hold the most weight (use pennies or plastic animals). You can purchase this kit from Oriental Trading. Story: Last week we discussed how sin had entered the world and was slowly creeping in and stealing the hearts of God's people. Over time, more and more people turned to evil instead of good! So many people had become evil that they couldn't even think of a good thought! Except for one man, Noah! Noah built the ark, just as God told him too. And God sent a flood, just like He said He would! READ Genesis 7 or show the power point Noah Builds an Ark, part 2. EMPHASIZE that:
Trueway Kids: Noah's Ark (Video and Printables)
Saddleback Kids: Noah's Ark (Video) God's Story: Noah's Ark (Video) Minno: Who is Noah? (Video) God is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
This is the story of Noah building the ark to prepare for the flood. Hebrews 11: 1 says: "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Noah is one of the first Biblical characters we see acting in faith.
Since Adam and Eve's first sin, the world had fallen into a state of corruption so great that there was only one man and his family left on Earth that still followed God. We see that sin creates a dark and scary world! However, with God's grace and Noah's faith, we see God's first great rescue of the people that call him God. Key Concepts: 1. Sin grieves God. 2. Obeying God is very important. 3. God never forgets those who are faithful to Him. Noah was saved by faith. Memory Verse
Genesis 9:16
“Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind.” Songs
Books of the Old Testament
Awesome God The Word Was With God Genesis 1:1 Rise & Shine (Arky, Arky) Rainbow Song God Told Noah Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Play Sink or Float: Have a tub of water and some small objects. Let the kids guess whether that object will sink or float. Test each one to see if they are correct. SAY: Today, we are going to learn about a man named Noah. God gave him very special directions to build a big boat called an ark. It was important that Noah build the ark just as God said because he needed the ark to float to save his family. 2. Simon Says: Play a simple game of Simon Says. After the game is over, discuss the importance of following directions. Why is it important to follow directions? Whose directions do we follow? Do those directions keeps us safe? SAY: Today, we are going to talk about some very specific directions that God gave Noah. Even though Noah probably didn't completely understand why he was building an ark, he trusted God and built! Story: Last week we discussed how sin had entered the world and was slowly creeping in and stealing the hearts of God's people. Over time, more and more people turned to evil instead of good! So many people had become evil that they couldn't even think of a good thought! Except for one man, Noah! READ Genesis 6 or show the power point Noah Builds an Ark, part 1. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
This is the story of the second sin, and we see how sin can escalate quickly. Sin is a slippery slope. As we saw with Eve, one small decision can lead you to sin. In this story, we see how dangerous it is to be controlled by sin. Cain's sin was one fueled by jealousy. God tells Cain that it is "crouching at his doorstep." The story of Cain and Abel is a testament to the far reaching consequences and pain sin can cause. The consequences of Cain's sin were not just felt by Cain. Adam, Eve and Able all suffered because of what Cain did. In the end, the greatest consequence of sin was realized--the pain and heartbreak of death.
Key Concepts: 1. Sacrifice pleases God. 2. Sin has consequences. 3. Sin happens anytime we disobey God. Memory VerseSongs
Books of the Old Testament
Awesome God The Word Was with God Genesis 1:1 I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy Shake the Devil Off 1, 2, 3 The Devils After Me We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Giving Your Best: Collect pairs of objects of which one is new or in good shape and the other is old or worn (one new toy and another broken and used toy, one nice apple and one scarred or bruised one, one clean sock and one dirty one, etc.) Show the first pair to the children. SAY “If you were coming to my house to eat, which one of these apples would you like to eat? The nice one or the rotten one?”(Let the children answer.) If were to go to your birthday party, would you expect me to give you this nice, new toy or this broken, used one? SAY: If we expect our friends to give us nice things, don't you think God would expect the same? What does it mean to give God your best? (From Mission Bible Class) 2. Jealousy Science Experiment: Introduce the emotion of jealousy. Is it a good feeling or bad? Fill a glass half way with water. Fill an identical clear glass half way with white vinegar. Tell the children that these glasses represent Cain and Abel’s hearts. (Point to the glass of water) Abel’s heart was good and he wanted to give his best to God. (Put a drop or two of green food coloring in the vinegar glass and give it a stir.) The green glass represents Cain’s heart. He was jealous of his brother and he didn’t give his best to God. Let’s see what happens to their hearts when they gave gifts to God. Ask one child to put a teaspoon of baking soda int he glass of water (nothing will happen to the water). Abel gave his gift and God was pleased. Abel felt good in his heart because he knew he had given his best. Now let’s see what happened to Cain’s heart.(Have another child put a teaspoon of baking soda in the green vinegar glass). As the water bubbles and boils talk about how jealousy made Cain’s heart upset and angry. 3. Service Project: Find a simple service project you can participate in as a class such as sending cards to shut-ins or making busy bags for younger children. Discuss what service and sacrifice is. Explain that you are using time you could be playing to do something nice for someone else-that is a sacrifice. Story: Last week we learned about how Eve disobeyed God. Today, we are going to learn about how her son Cain also disobeyed God. We are going to learn about two brothers who gave God gifts. Only one brother gave his very best and the other brother’s jealousy caused him to do something that was very, very wrong. In our story today, Cain felt jealousy and he allowed that jealousy to take over his mind and actions! READ Genesis 4:1-16 or show the power point Cain and Abel. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsActivities
Cain and Abel's Trail Mix
Pretzel rods (Abel's Shepherding Rod, Popcorn (sheep), Marshmallows (sweet offering to God), Dried Fruit (Cain's offering), Heart shaped cheerios (Cain's Empty Sacrifice)
This is the story of how sin entered the world. While sin offered many consequences, the worst, of course, was a separation between God and his people. Many times, people try to make sin complicated. In truth, it rarely is. It comes down to the same decision Adam and Eve had to make-do you trust what God says? Fortunately for Adam and Eve, and their millions of descendants, our God is full of compassion. The rest of the Bible is a record of a rescue mission to redeem God's people and rescue them from the consequences of sin.
Key Concepts: 1. God created you and loves you. 2. Sin has consequences. 3. Sin happens anytime we disobey God. Memory VerseSongs
Books of the Old Testament
Awesome God The Word Was with God Genesis 1:1 I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy Shake the Devil Off 1, 2, 3 The Devils After Me My God is So Big Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. I Wonder: Remind the children about the story of Creation and Adam and Eve. Guide the kids in imagining a little bit of what the Garden of Eden was like. Remember, the garden of Eden was like a giant zoo except all of the animals were nice and got along! What animals would you want to play with? Which one would you make your pet? SAY: Living in the garden of Eden must have been so wonderful! But Adam and Eve made a terrible mistake and couldn't live there anymore. 2. Puzzle: Show a simple puzzle that you have put together. SAY: Imagine you worked hard to put together this puzzle. Finally, when you had it just right, someone comes along and messes it up. (Mess up the puzzle). How would you feel? (Let children respond: Mad, Sad, Angry, etc.). SAY: I bet God felt all of those things when a sneaky serpent came and messed up his wonderful creation. Today, we are going to talk about the first sin and how God started to piece his wonderful world back together again. 3. Sneaky Snakes: Show this education video about snakes. SAY: Today we are going to learn about a serpent that tricked Adam and Eve into the first sin. In our Bible story, God gives the snake a curse for causing this sin. Emphasize the attributes of snakes that are in line with what this story says about them. Story: Do your mom and dad ever give you a direction? Like, put your shoes in your closet or pick up your toys. If you do it, then you are obeying. But if you don't do it, then you are disobeying. When we disobey, there are usually consequences, right? In our story today, God gave Adam a very specific direction about living in the garden. However, he and Eve did not obey. When we don't obey God, it's called a sin and there were consequences to the first sin! READ Genesis 3 or show the power point Adam and Eve disobey God. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
Activity Ideas
This is the story of how God created people. It gives us a glimpse into the beautiful world God wanted to have before sin began deteriorating it. All of creation was made to be a special home for God's children! God created a man and quickly saw that it was not good for him to be alone! He made a woman to help him! God had a plan for families from the beginning!
Key Concepts: 1. God created you and loves you. 2. God reveals himself through his Creation. 3. We are created in the image of God. Memory Verse
“In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.”
Genesis 1:1 Songs
Books of the Old Testament
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands If I Were a Butterfly The Creation Song The Hippo Song My God is So Big Who's the King of the Jungle? Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Self-Portraits: Ask the kids to draw a self-portrait. Discuss what being "Made in God's Image," means to you. Ask the kids what it means to them. SAY: Today, we are going to talk about how God made the first people and created the first family. 2. Kinetic Sand: Allow the kids to play and create using kinetic sand. You can give the kids prompts like, "who can make a mountain?" or "who can make a fish?" SAY: The Bible tells us God used soil to make the first man. Isn't that interesting? I wonder why he did that? 3. Creation Review: Use this time to review the 7 days of creation. At the end of each day, ask the kids what God said after he created that day. (It is good). SAY: Today, we are going to learn about a time God looked at his creation and said, "this is not good!" Also, consider singing the Creation song as an additional, fun way to commit the days of creation to memory. Story: Did God say that he made cows in his image? Did God say he made owls in his image? What about elephants or lions? No. What did God say was made in his own image? (Man or People). Today, we are going to learn about how God made man and woman for a very special purpose-to create the first family! READ Genesis 1: 26-2:1-25 or show the power point God created people. EMPHASIZE that:-
Visual Aids
Trueway Kids: God Made Me (printable)
God is...
Challenge the kids to come up with "God is..." statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
Activity Ideas
This is the story of Creation. It gives us a glimpse into the beautiful world God wanted to have before sin began deteriorating it. As people made in the image of God, we have inherited the ability to create and children are inherently dialed in to the joy of making new things! This story presents a wonderful opportunity to help children recognize that were purposefully designed by God and with the greatest of love.
Key Concepts: 1. God created you and loves you. 2. God reveals himself through his Creation. 3. We are created in the image of God. Memory Verse
“In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.”
Genesis 1:1 Songs
Books of the Old Testament
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands If I Were a Butterfly The Creation Song The Hippo Song My God is So Big Who's the King of the Jungle? Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Play-dough: Give each child some playdough to begin class. Tell them to make something from their imagination. Allow each child to share what they made. SAY: The Bible tells us that God used his imagination to form or create the world we live in! In fact, he was able to create by just speaking it into existence! That is how powerful God is! 2. Making a Home: Supplies: Various pet supplies for a pet, use whatever you have access to! SAY: Let's pretend that we were getting a new hamster! (can be any pet here, if you are brave, and it's appropriate, consider bringing a hamster, or fish, etc.) I love hamsters! They are so cute and cuddly! I want my hamster to have the very best home ever! So, first, I need a cage so it can be safe. Then, I am going to add shavings so it can have a nice soft place to sleep. It needs food, so I have a bowl here with some food. Etc. Continue adding and explaining all of the things you would need to create the perfect home for your new pet! Explain to the kids that just like we create the perfect home for our pets because we love them and want them to be safe and have everything they need, God created the perfect world to make sure we have everything we need! 3. Food Webs: (better for older kids) Introduce or review the idea of food webs with your kids. Discuss how God has created everything to have a purpose. Talk about how God we can see the hand of God in the intricate design of the universe. Story: Your favorite stories probably begin with "Once upon a time." Those are fairy tales, or make believe stories. God's story is different. God's story is a true account of the history of the world, so His story begins with, "In the beginning..." God wanted us to know how our world was made. He wanted to tell us what he WANTED his world to look like before sin entered the picture. He wanted us to know that what he created was good. READ Genesis 1: 1-29 or show the power point God created the heavens and the earth. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
Activity Ideas
Various Creation Craft Ideas from ABC Jesus Loves Me
AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Archives
January 2025
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