The covenant God made with Abraham has now passed to his grandson Jacob. Even though this inheritance was obtained by Jacob through deceptive ways, God continues to work his plan through his family. While Abraham was blessed with his one promised son, Isaac, his family tree continues to grow as his grandson Jacob is blessed with 12 sons.
This lesson is the story of the reconciliation of Joseph and his brothers and the unique circumstances that brought this reunion about. Key Themes:
Memory VerseSongs
Books of the Old Testament
Jacob Lived in Canaan Sons of Jacob Song Oh Be Careful The B.I.B.L.E. He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands 12 Tribes of Israel Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Family Reunions Ask how many of the kids have ever been to a family reunion? What makes them special? What do you usually do? Draw a family tree tracing Abraham to Joseph and his brothers. SAY: In today's lesson we are going to talk about a special family reunion. Joseph had not seen his family in 22 years! 2. Change of Heart from Ministry to Children Students will cut out two hearts from construction paper, tissue paper, or wrapping paper. Tell them that the first heart represents a heart that is sinful. Joseph’s brothers’ hearts were sinful when they threw Joseph down the well and sold him as a slave. Have the students decorate their first heart to represent a sinful heart in some way. It could be black with the “dirt” of sin, crumpled up or torn to show that it’s not in the best shape, or have words written on it that name sinful attitudes: greedy, hate, jealous, anger, selfish, etc. The second heart represents a heart that changes to be like God wants us to be. Joseph’s brothers’ heart changed when they showed that they were willing to become Joseph’s slaves to save their brother Benjamin. This second heart can be new or shiny or list pure attitudes (love, kindness, peaceful, giving, etc.) to show the change. 3. Freeing Benjamin from Ministry to Children Divide the students into two teams on opposite sides of your play area. A line divides the play area. A “Benjamin” from each team goes to stand on the play area’s boundary, behind the opposite team. They are in the opposite team’s prison. The rest of the team then tries to reach their Benjamin without being tagged. The opposing team can tag them anytime they cross the middle line into their territory. The strategy is for the teams to send some of their members to free their Benjamin while leaving others behind to tag members of the opposite team trying to cross over to free the Benjamin they’re guarding. When a player crosses the line and gets tagged by a defending team member, they’re out. The game is over when one team reaches and frees their Benjamin. Play as many times as you like, choosing a new Benjamin each time. Afterward, remind the students that Benjamin’s brothers had a change of heart and were willing to take Benjamin’s place as Joseph’s slave so that he could go free. Story: Review the story of Abraham to Jacob so far. Jacob (later known as Israel) had a very large family! Just like his father's before him, Jacob had inherited a promise the God would bless the entire world through his family. However, Jacob's life was marked with sadness. Remember, Jacob still believes Joseph is dead and to make matters worse, the land is in a severe famine (which means the land will not produce food and they are running out!) In this story, Joseph's gift of prophecy is used to rescue lots of people from starvation, including his own family! After 22 years, Joseph forgives his brothers and is reunited with his brothers and father! SHOW the power point Joseph Reunited with His Family or read Genesis 43-46. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
Game: Who Has the Cup?
Supplies: Brown paper bags, a small gold cup, small cups, filler Download: Who Has the Cup Read Aloud Fill each brown paper bag with filler (popcorn, beans, etc) and a cup. Make sure that one brown paper bag has a gold cup in it. As you read the Who Has the Cup story, kids will pass left or right when the reader says left or right. At the end of the story, each child looks in their bag tosee who has the cup.
The covenant God made with Abraham has now passed to his grandson Jacob. Even though this inheritance was obtained by Jacob through deceptive ways, God continues to work his plan through his family. While Abraham was blessed with his one promised son, Isaac, his family tree continues to grow as his grandson Jacob is blessed with 12 sons.
This lesson continues with the story of the hardships of Joseph, who was faithful each step of the way. His prophetic dreams begin what becomes a riches to rags to riches again, all at the work of God's hand. This turn in the story demonstrates that God can be working a heavenly plan that doesn't always make sense from an earthly point of view. Key Themes:
Memory VerseSongs
Books of the Old Testament
Jacob Lived in Canaan Sons of Jacob Song Oh Be Careful The B.I.B.L.E. He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands 12 Tribes of Israel Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Dreams Share a silly dream that you have had. Talk about dreams. Ask the kids to share a dream they can remember. 2. Standing Up from Junior Power Points Have students form pairs and work with a partner on this activity. Each team will need to place a chair with its back against the wall so it does not slide easily. One person in each team will sit on a chair with their feet flat on the floor. The second person on the team will remain standing and will press with their index finger against their partner’s forehead while the person who is seated will try to rise to their feet. Discuss how difficult it was to stand up. Sometimes other people or Satan blocks our path or keeps us from being able to stand for what is right. 3.A Picture of Life from Junior Power Points Set up tables and chairs, and form pairs. Have partners sit across from each other at a table. Then give each pair a plate and a handful of rice. Say: I’m going to assign each pair an item to illustrate using the rice, such as a house with a dog in the yard, an airplane with clouds, or a person holding a balloon. You’ll create your illustration by placing the rice, one grain at a time, onto your plate. If you pick up more than one grain of rice at a time, you’ll have to start over. Make the suggestions difficult, yet not impossible, for students to complete. Then have them begin their work. After a minute or so, interrupt them and say: One more thing . . . at times the table will shake, which might mess up your work. Be prepared. During the next few minutes, watch to see that students follow your instructions. Bump or gently push the tables as you pass by them from time to time. It’s OK if students try to save their creations by picking their plates up off the table. Allow time for students to attempt their illustrations; then have them show what they’ve done. Ask: What was it like to work on this project? Did you ever feel like giving up? When have you felt like that in life? How can we overcome what Satan does to us? Story: Review the story of Abraham to Jacob so far. Jacob (later known as Israel) had a very large family! Just like his father's before him, Jacob had inherited a promise the God would bless the entire world through his family. However, his family also inherited the sins of jealousy which caused sibling rivalry and caused his children to sin. In this story, we see how the consequences of his brothers jealousy sent Joseph down a path of hardships. However, in spite of the turn his life had taken, Josesph was faithful God and to what was right, even if it meant making his life harder. SHOW the power point Joseph: Pharoah's Dreams or read Genesis 41:1-46. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
The covenant God made with Abraham has now passed to his grandson Jacob. Even though this inheritance was obtained by Jacob through deceptive ways, God continues to work his plan through his family. While Abraham was blessed with his one promised son, Isaac, his family tree continues to grow as his grandson Jacob is blessed with 12 sons.
This lesson begins the hardships of Joseph, who is known for his faith in spite of trying circumstances. His prophetic dreams begin what becomes a riches to rags to riches again, all at the work of God's hand. The next generation of this family continues to reap the consequences of jealousy, sibling rivalry, and sin. However, God uses it all for his plan. Key Themes:
Memory VerseSongs
Books of the Old Testament
Jacob Lived in Canaan Sons of Jacob Song Oh Be Careful The B.I.B.L.E. He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands 12 Tribes of Israel Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Paper Cuts Bring out a piece of paper. Show the child how perfect the paper is. As you begin to speak, fold the paper. (You will be creating a snowflake.) Explain how each cut you make might be seen as a bad thing, but as you unfold the paper and show the beautiful snowflake, point out that the seemingly bad cuts created something beautiful 2. Pin the Coat on Joseph Supplies: Poster with an Outline of a Coat, Colorful Dot Stickers, Blindfold Take turns blindfolding each child. Let them take turns trying to put a colorful sticker on Joseph's Coat. Discuss how hard it is to accomplish something when we cannot see. In our story, Joseph is thrown into a pit and then sold into slavery. At times, Joseph probably couldn't see what God was doing in his life. 3. Color Matching (Preschool) From Trueway Kids; Supplies: Clothing Items of various colors, color splats Print out the color splats from Trueway and let the kids sort the clothing items with the color splat it matches. Story: Review the story of Abraham to Jacob so far. Jacob (later known as Israel) had a very large family! Just like his father's before him, Jacob had inherited a promise the God would bless the entire world through his family. However, his family also inherited the sins of jealousy which caused sibling rivalry and caused his children to sin. In this story, we see how dangerous jealousy is and how it can gain a foothold and lead us to sin. SHOW the power point Joseph Thrown In a Pit or read Genesis 37:12-36. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsActivities
The covenant God made with Abraham has now passed to his grandson Jacob. Even though this inheritance was obtained by Jacob through deceptive ways, God continues to work his plan through his family. While Abraham was blessed with his one promised son, Isaac, his family tree continues to grow as his grandson Jacob is blessed with 12 sons.
This lesson introduces the story of Joseph, who is known for his faith in spite of trying circumstances. His prophetic dreams begin what becomes a riches to rags to riches again, all at the work of God's hand. The next generation of this family continues to reap the consequences of jealousy, sibling rivalry, and sin. However, God uses it all for his plan. Key Themes:
Memory VerseSongs
Books of the Old Testament
Jacob Lived in Canaan Sons of Jacob Song Oh Be Careful The B.I.B.L.E. He’s Got The Whole World in His Hands 12 Tribes of Israel Story
"Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Building Each Other Up Supplies: Gamecards, blocks or anything that can stack Divide the class into two teams. Each team will take turns drawing a "build" card. If the card shows a scenario that "built someone up," the team can add a block. If it shows a scenario that tears down, they must remove a block. If they draw a "wreck it" card, they must start over. Discuss how powerful our words and actions are on our lives and the lives of people around us. 2. Megaphones Supplies: Make simple megaphones from paper or bring one to class. Inexpensive plastic ones can be purchased online too. The things we say matter! To others and to God! Make the megaphones and talk about how the things we say speak volumes to others about what is in our hearts. We should be careful about the things we say. 3. Coat of Many Colors Race Divide your class into teams of 3 or 4. Provide each team 3 rolls of streamers. One person on each team is "Joseph," the other team members must wrap him in a "coat" of many colors. First team to use all of the streamers wins! Discuss how Joseph probably first seemed like a blessing, but eventually brought him a lot of heartache! Story: Review the story of Abraham to Jacob so far. Jacob (later known as Israel) had a very large family! He had four wives. Do you remember who his first wife was? (Leah) But what wife was his favorite? (Rachel) Since the beginning of time, we have seen where jealousy and sibling rivalry has caused pain and suffering in the families of God's people. Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, and now that same sin is being repeated among Joseph's sons. In this story, we see how hurtful it is to show favoritism. We also learn that it is important to measure our words and make sure that they are building others up or tearing them down. SHOW the power point Joseph's Dreams or read Genesis 37:1-11. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsActivities
God renewed the covenant he had made with Abraham with his grandson Jacob, even though this inheritance was obtained by Jacob through deceptive ways. Never the less, Jacob inherits this promise from God.
This lesson focuses on the story of how Jacob, known as a deceiver, is deceived when he wants to marry. The next generation of this family begins with deception and the consequences of that sin fall on the next generation as well. Key Themes:
Memory Verse
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. -Proverbs 1:7
Books of the Old Testament
Rock-a my Soul Keep Your Tongue from Evil Three Wandering Jews Oh Be Careful Song Three Wandering Jews Shake the Devil Off Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Wedding Traditions Consider brining a shawl to class. Tell the children that in Bible times, the bride usually wore a veil so the groom didn't see her face until after they had been married. This allowed Laban to play a trick on Jacob. 2. Wedding Cakes Supplies: Small cupcakes, sprinkles, and punch or juice Check for allergies! Let kids make their own wedding cake and eat for a snack. SAY: One of the traditions we have at wedding is that we celebrate with cake and punch! Today, we are going to learn about Jacob's wedding and the big surprise he had at his wedding! 3. Two Truths and a Lie In this game, a child say two things that are true and one that is a lie. The other kids have to guess which one is the lie. Let each child take turns trying to stump their classmates. Discuss lying and why it is considered a sin. Who gets hurt when we lie? 4. What Comes Around, Goes Around Have you ever heard the saying What Comes Around, Goes Around? Or what about Life is an echo, what you send out comes back. How about the saying what you sow, you shall reap? What do these sayings mean? Story: We have been talking about how God tried to redeem the world from sin. God promised Abraham that the redeemer would come from one of his descendants. The Bible tells us about all of the good and bad things that happened along the way. This is the story of Abraham's grandson, Jacob and how he started the next generation of this important family. This story shows us the consequences of and lying and how Jacob found himself on the other side of a lie. SHOW the power point Jacob Is Deceived at his Wedding or read Genesis 29:1-30. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsActivities
God was faithful to his plan to save the world through Abraham's family. Once Abraham died, God began to work through Isaac, Rebekah, and their double blessing-twin sons named Jacob and Esau. This lesson focuses on a reminder God sent to Jacob about his commitment to rescue the world through this family.
This lesson illustrates that no one is so powerful that they can undo the works and plans of God. While Jacob's deceit did hurt his family and there were consequences for his sin, God renewed his commitment to make Jacob part of his plan. Key Themes:
Memory Verse
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. -Proverbs 1:7
Books of the Old Testament
Father Abraham I'm Calling You, Abraham Three Wandering Jews I Will Call Upon the Lord Hear O Israel 1, 2, 3 Jesus Loves Me Castle of My Heart Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Ladder Game Make a ladder using tape on the ground. Let kids move up and down the ladder by answering review questions. 2. Perfect Pillow Supplies: Different Kinds of Pillows Show different types of pillows. Be sure to include a rock as a pillow. Talk about which one would be the most comfortable. 3. Ladder Object Lesson Supplies: 3 Step Ladder Show the kids the ladder. Discuss what a ladder does (help you reach something that is higher). Perhaps demonstrate how a ladder can help you reach things that are beyond your reach. God's plans are higher than our plans. Jacob needed to reach a "higher" understanding of God and his plan. How did the ladder connect Jacob's earthy plan with God's heavenly plan? Story: We have been talking about how God tried to redeem the world from sin. God promised Abraham that the redeemer would come from one of his descendants. The Bible tells us about all of the good and bad things that happened along the way. This is the story of Abraham's grandson, Jacob. Remember that Jacob had tricked his family so he had to run for his life! His mother sent him back to her brother Laban. Along the way, Jacob had a special dream in which God reminded Jacob of the promise he made with Abraham and confirmed that he would be working with Jacob to make that plan come to be. SHOW the power point Jacob's Dream or read Genesis 28: 1-22. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsActivities
God was faithful to his plan to save the world through Abraham's family. Once Abraham died, God began to work through Isaac, Rebekah, and their double blessing-twin sons named Jacob and Esau. This lesson focuses on the perfect plan God is building through very imperfect people.
Esau and Jacob were the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah. Esau should have inherited the responsibilities and blessings that come with being the oldest son but he rashly sold his birthright to his younger brother for a pot of stew. Then, in an act of deception, Jacob tricks his father into giving him Esau's blessing as well. Key Themes:
Memory Verse
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 9:10
Books of the Old Testament
Rock-a my Soul Keep Your Tongue from Evil Three Wandering Jews Oh Be Careful Song Three Wandering Jews Shake the Devil Off Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Family Feud Play a game of family feud using Bible questions. You can make up your own or use this free download from Gathered Again. SAY: Today, we are going to talk about a real family feud! If applicable, remind the children about Jacob tricking Esau into giving up his birthright. 2. Pillowcase Puzzles Supplies: pillowcase, various small items Put a small item in a pillowcase. Let a child try to guess what the item is by simply feeling it. Rotate the items out and let the kids each take a turn trying to guess. SAY: It sure is hard to know what something is when you can't see it! Today we are going to talk about how Isaac, who was now old and had lost his sight, was tricked by his son Jacob. 3. Bible Headbands Supplies: Post It Notes or Notecards with Well Know Bible Names Use a marker to write words on each notecard a name of a well known Bible character. Have a child stick the card on their forehead. The other kids need to give the child clues as to what the name on their card is without saying the name. The child with the card tries to guess who is on their card. Discuss the idea of knowing something without being able to see. Story: We have been talking about how God tried to redeem the world from sin. God promised Abraham that the redeemer would come from one of his descendants. The Bible tells us about all of the good and bad things that happened along the way. This is the story of Abraham's grandsons, Jacob and Esau. This story shows us the consequences of jealousy and lying. SHOW the power point Jacob Deceives Isaac or read Genesis 27:1-28:5. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
God was faithful to his plan to save the world through Abraham's family. Once Abraham died, God began to work through Isaac, Rebekah, and their double blessing-twin son's named Jacob and Esau. This lesson focuses on the family tree that God is building through very imperfect people.
Esau and Jacob were the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah. Esau should have inherited the responsibilities and blessings that come with being the oldest son but he rashly sold his birthright to his younger brother for a pot of stew. Key Themes:
Memory Verse
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Books of the Old Testament
Rock-a my Soul Abraham's Journey Father Abraham I'm Calling You, Abraham Three Wandering Jews Oh Be Careful Song Three Wandering Jews Shake the Devil Off Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Make Lentil/Vegetable Stew Many kids may not know what a lentil is and nothing gets their attention quite like food! Make a simple version of a soup for the kids to enjoy while you tell them the story. There is a recipe from Trueway Kids. 2. Things That Belong in My Heart Supplies: A Bucket with a heart on it, Trash can, Notecards write words that describe good and bad qualities on them. You can use the fruit of the spirit and Ephesians 4 to inspire you. Sort the words between a what goes into a heart and what we should "put or throw away." What words describe Jacob’s heart when he tricked his brother? 3. Hungry, Hungry Esau Supplies: Plastic ball pit balls, optional: laundry basket, skateboard Or bucket that can hold balls Use a marker to write words on each ball of items that have different monetary value. For example, you may write: car, computer, ipad, basketball, skateboard, bike, video games, hamburger, candy bar, piece of gum, etc. Think of things that would be relatable to the kids in your age group. Option 1: Bucket: Let each child have a turn choosing a ball from the bucket Option 2: Scatter the balls in an area of the room. Let each child have a turn riding the skateboard on their tummy and quickly gathering some balls with a small bucket. Allow the kids to share what item was written on their ball. Ask someone with a high value item if they would want to trade with someone a low value item. Why not? Discuss what makes something valuable. How do you treat something that is valuable? Story: We have been talking about how God tried to redeem the world from sin. God promised Abraham that the redeemer would come from one of his descendants. The Bible tells us about all of the good and bad things that happened along the way. This is the story of Abraham's grandsons, Jacob and Esau and something that happened when they grew up. SHOW the power point Esau Sells His Birthright to Jacob or read Genesis 25: 19-34. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
Dry Soup Jars
Let kids take turns measuring and creating dry soup jars. Encourage the kids to share the soup jar with their family or a friend. Talk about the value of generosity. Don't forget to add a tag with the directions!
Shooting Straight
Supplies: toy bow and arrow set, printable target or stacks of cups Tape the target up in your classroom or set up a pyramid of cups. Each child will take a turn shooting the arrow at the target. The suction may not stick but see what ring they hit. If you're playing with cups, see how many they are able to knock over. Ask a review question about today's story. Whichever ring on the target they hit or cups they hit is the number of points their team earns for a correct answer!
God promised to bless the entire world through the family of Abraham. The child of promise, Isaac, was finally born and has now grown into a young man. Abraham knew it was time to build the next generation of this important family.
However, he recognized the importance of choosing a wife that worshipped the true and living God. He did not want the influence of a wife from the neighboring Canaanites who did not worship God. In this story, we see a positive example of setting priorities and asking God's guidance to influence big and important decisions. Rebekah honored God by going with the servant when she realized that God had a hand in choosing her as Isaac's wife. Isaac honored Abraham and God by choosing a wife from among the followers of God. Key Themes: 1. Faith is being sure of what we hope for, but do not see. 2. God's answers to prayer are yes, no and wait. 3. It is important to associate with fellow believers.
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Memory Verse
Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. -Exodus 20:12
Books of the Old Testament
Rock-a my Soul Abraham's Journey Father Abraham I'm Calling You, Abraham My God is So Big Read Your Bible & Pray Every Day Three Wandering Jews Story
GenBegin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. All About Camels: God used the sign of watering camels to show the servant who Isaac's wife should be. Use one of these videos to introduce the kids to facts about camels. Camel Facts for Kids by Fun Learning Where Do Camels Store Water by T-Series Kids Hut Camels for Kids by Learn Bright 2. Watering Camels by Teach One Reach One Supplies: jugs of water, stuffed or cardboard camels The sign of watering the camels was not just a specific sign to indicate to the servant who God wanted to be a wife for Isaac. It also revealed a servant heart found in Rebekah. But watering camels isn't like watering a puppy dog or even a cow. These animals require a lot of water. This activity will show the kids how much work Rebekah was willing to do for a total stranger! 3. Tricks vs. Treats: Make 3 identical boxes wrapped in gift wrap. In one box, put a bag candy the kids can share or a small toy. In the other 2 boxes, put an uncooked potato. In this box, only one box has a treat. We have to pick which box that is! How will we make that decision? Discuss how we make difficult decisions, especially when we don't always know how things will turn out. Discuss the importance of seeking advice, praying and asking God for help. For best effect and happy students, let the children share the treat inside the best box. Story: We have been talking about how God tried to redeem the world from sin. God promised Abraham that the redeemer would come from one of his descendants. Sarah and Abraham now have Isaac, their special son promised by God. However, Sarah has died and Abraham knows his time is coming when he will die as well. He wants to find a wife for Isaac to continue building this important family tree. As a man of faith, Abraham knows God must be included in such an important decision. SHOW the power point A Wife for Isaac or read Genesis 24. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
Pinch Pots
Supplies: Air Dry Clay Rebekah used a clay pot to carry the water for the camels. Use air dry clay to make smaller pots to remind us to "carry water" for others.
Game: Water Relay Games
Kids love water play. If it's appropriate, have various water relay games you can play to illustrate the idea of carrying water.
After years of waiting, Isaac, the child of promise had finally arrived! Abraham and Sarah must have been so happy! But God decided to test Abraham. He test him to see if he would be willing to give up his son if God asked him to do so.
While Abraham had a few missteps in the past, he had walked with God long enough that he knew he could trust God. He made the journey, built the altar and was about to sacrifice his son when God proved to Abraham, once again, that He can be trusted. In that act of obedience, Abraham taught us what "living by faith, not by sight" truly means. Key Themes: 1. Faith is being sure of what we hope for, but do not see. 2. God's plan for a savior began with Abraham's family. 3. God wants us to have faith. Memory Verse
Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. -Exodus 20:12
Books of the Old Testament
Be Careful Little Eyes Rock-a my Soul Abraham's Journey Father Abraham I'm Calling You, Abraham My God is So Big Read Your Bible & Pray Every Day Three Wandering Jews Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Build an Altar: Use blocks or boxes to build an altar with the kids. Discuss altars and what they were used for in Bible times. 2. Trust Taste Test: Ask for volunteers to be blindfolded. Tell them to open their mouth because you are going to give them something to eat. “Do you trust me? What if I am giving you a yucky worm or a rotten apple to eat?” Continue in this train of thought for a little while and then put something VERY tasty in their mouth (lolly-pop, biscuit, etc.) Discuss what it felt like to trust someone when you did not know what they were going to do. “Abraham trusted God even when he did not understand what God was going to do.” Idea from Mission Bible Class 3. Blindfold Obstacle Course: Have one child blindfolded while another child leads them through a small obstacle course made of chairs, tables, cones, etc. Discuss how hard it is walk when you cannot see. How much trust did you have to place in your friend? Is it always easy to trust what you cannot see? Story: We have been talking about how God tried to redeem the world from sin. God promised Abraham that the redeemer would come from one of his descendants. The only problem was that Abraham didn't have descendants. Abraham and Sarah waited and waited. Finally, Baby Isaac was born! God tested Abraham by making him wait for the promised child and he decided to test Abraham again. SHOW the power point Abraham and Isaac or read Genesis 21:1-7; 22: 1-19. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
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