Biblical faith if more than just belief; it is also what we DO with that faith. God's story is filled with people of faith who DO the things God calls them to do. Noah demonstrated his faith by building an ark. Abraham demonstrated his faith by moving to a new home. Men and women of faith fought giants, faced lions, moved to foreign lands and fought foreign armies. The heroes of the early church are also known for what they did to demonstrate their faith in God. In this story, Silas and Paul face persecution when they share the gospel. Dorcas demonstrated her faith by serving others. James, the brother of Jesus, demonstrated his faith by encouraging other Christians.
Key Themes: 1. We demonstrate our faith by what we do! 2. Faith gives us courage to live for Jesus. 3. The gospel is for everyone. Memory Verse
“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have-not heard?” Romans 10:13, 14
Books of the New Testament
Apostles Song Be Careful Little Eyes Pass It On Sing and Be Happy Stand Up and Shout It This Little Light of Mine I Want to Be Where You Are You are My Brother Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Show and Tell Have a few show and tell items on hand such as a horse bit, matches or a lighter, a small toy ship (bonus if it has a rudder!), money, clothing, and band aids. Show each item and remind them of what it is called and what it is used for. SAY: James taught the people about how to live like a Christian. He used items and examples that they would be familiar with (much like Jesus did!) These are a few items that are mentioned in the book of James. As I read our story, see how many of these items can you spot! 2. Saying vs. Doing Put a small treat such in a secret bag. SAY: Today, I have brought you a secret treat! It's in my bag but before we get the treat I want to tell you about the bag. (Describe the bag in detail) Then say, okay now before I give you the treat, I want to tell you a little big about what I have for you. (Describe the treat in detail. Why you chose it, what store you purchased it from, why you got it from that store.) By this point, the kids should be getting a little impatient. ASK: Are you tired of me talking about the treat? What do you want me to DO? (Hopefully, they want you to give them the treat!). As you pass out the treat SAY: There is a big different between SAYING you're going to do something nice for someone and actually DOING it. That's just one of the lessons James teaches us in his letter called James. Let's talk about it today! 3. Word Study Today, we are going to read a epistle. Do you know what an epistle is? An epistle is another word for letter. Do you like to receive letters? So, today we are going to read the epistle of James. We also call it the book of James. However, James did not sit down to write a book. He was writing a letter to friends, to encourage them and teach them how to live in a way that honors God. Story: The book of Acts is filled with lots of people who followed Jesus, built the church and spread the Gospel. Some were men who traveled across the world and taught others like Paul. Others were women who served the people in her own church and community like Dorcas. Today, we are going to talk about a follower of Jesus names James. Some believe he was Jesus's brother. In the beginning, he was skeptical of Jesus and his ministry but after the resurrection, he became a leader in the local church and wrote letters encouraging other Christians. READ the Epistle of James or read selected passages from the book of James in the Bible. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual Aids
Video: Book of James Summary by Bible Project (Better for Older Kids)
God is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Scrolls from Oriental Trading
Allow the kids to write encouraging messages from the book of James and deliver them to a friend. You may need to write the words on a small pieces of paper and let younger kids glue them on.
Biblical faith if more than just belief; it is also what we DO with that faith. God's story is filled with people of faith who DO the things God calls them to do. Noah demonstrated his faith by building an ark. Abraham demonstrated his faith by moving to a new home. Men and women of faith fought giants, faced lions, moved to foreign lands and fought foreign armies. The heroes of the early church are also known for what they did to demonstrate their faith in God. In this story, Silas and Paul face persecution when they share the gospel. Dorcas demonstrated her faith by caring for others the same way Jesus did. Key Themes: 1. We demonstrate our faith by what we do! 2. Faith gives us courage to live for Jesus. 3. People will know we are Christians by how we serve others. Memory Verse“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have-not heard?” Romans 10:13, 14 SongsBooks of the New Testament Apostles Song Every Move I Make I Am a C Jesus Loves the Little Children Jumping Up and Down Roll The Gospel Chariot Said I Wasn't Sing and Be Happy Stand Up and Shout It This Little Light of Mine StoryBegin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Sharing Time Ask the children to share a time when someone was kind to them. Ask the children how they would feel to remembered for being kind. Today, we are talking about a woman who was remembered for being kind. 2. Famous People Show the children pictures of famous people they may know. Famous athletes, singers, cartoon characters. Ask them to describe what they are famous for doing. Then, SAY, today we are going to talk about a woman who is famous for being kind to others. Her name was Dorcas, and sometimes she was called Tabitha. 3. Clothing or Blanket Drive Let the children help you fold and package clothing or blankets to donate to your church's food pantry or local charity. Younger children may be most helpful decorating brown grocery sacks and folding a few items and putting them in. Older children could make simple tied blankets to donate. Note: If you plan ahead, you can even ask kids to bring in their own donations of clothing or fabric. SAY: We demonstrate our faith by serving others. These items will go to children who need them. We are following the example of Dorcas (also known as Tabitha) in the Bible. We are going to talk about her today! Story: The book of Acts is filled with lots of people who followed Jesus, built the church and spread the Gospel. There were lots of men like Peter, Paul and Silas, who travelled and shared the story of Jesus far and wide. However, there were also women, like Dorcas who shared Jesus with others by serving the people in her very town. Dorcas was so kind and giving the all of the people loved her very much. Let's read about Dorcas READ the story of Dorcas or read Acts 9:36-43 in the Bible. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story. Worksheet: Decorate a sweater worksheet
Biblical faith if more than just belief; it is also what we DO with that faith. God's story is filled with people of faith who DO the things God calls them to do. Noah demonstrated his faith by building an ark. Abraham demonstrated his faith by moving to a new home. Men and women of faith fought giants, faced lions, moved to foreign lands and fought foreign armies. The heroes of the early church are also known for what they did to demonstrate their faith in God. In this story, Silas and Paul face persecution when they share the gospel. Key Themes: 1. We demonstrate our faith by what we do! 2. Faith gives us courage to live for Jesus. 3. The gospel is for everyone, even the jailer! Memory Verse“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have-not heard?” Romans 10:13, 14 SongsBooks of the New Testament Apostles Song Every Move I Make I Am a C Jumping Up and Down Roll The Gospel Chariot Said I Wasn't Sing and Be Happy Stand Up and Shout It This Little Light of Mine StoryBegin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Reaching the Lost Tape Paper Hearts or Candy Bars (anything kids would want to work to get) high enough that the students could not jump and reach them. Ask the kids to try to get the items down, but they cannot use furniture or each other to do it. They have to do it by themselves. (No one should be able to). Then, allow the kids to work in teams of 3, giving each other a boost or forming a pyramid. Be sure to spot kids or encourage them to spot each other. Together, they should be able to reach the items. Discuss how difficult it was to reach the item by yourself. What about when you worked together? Why is reach the lost easier with a friend? Introduce Silas, a friend of Paul and partner in spreading the gospel. 2. What is a Missionary? Show kids people of missionaries that you, or your church support. SAY: A missionary is someone who leaves their home and goes to another land to teach people about Jesus. These are some of the missionaries that we support. (Go over each one and tell their names and where they teach.) ASK: Do you think it would be lonely to be so far from home? Would you want to take a friend with you? SAY: Do you remember Saul, who Jesus called to follow him? He changed his name to Paul and became one of the church's first missionaries. His friend, Silas joined him in many of those journeys and we are going to learn about something that happened on one of those journeys today. 3. Praise Time! Discuss how singing makes God happy. Singing also is a way to lift our own spirits and encourage one another. Ask kids to share their favorite Bible class songs and share how they feel when they sing it. Take turns singing each of the songs. SAY: Today, we are going to learn about how two of Jesus's followers sang to encourage one another. Story: The book of Acts is filled with lots of people who followed Jesus, built the church and spread the Gospel. Saul was called by Jesus on the road to Damascus. Then, he changed his name to Paul and began traveling all around the world telling people the Gospel, or Good News. One of the friends he took with him was named Silas and this is the story of something that happened to them while they were in a place called Philippi. READ the story of Paul and Silas in Prison or read Acts 16:16-40 in the Bible. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story. Activities
When Jesus left for heaven, he told the disciples to "go into all the world and preach the good news." He also promised that he would be with them always, even to the end of the age. God sent the Holy Spirit to help the disciples fulfill this important work. Luke recorded the history of the church in the book of Acts. This is the story about how Peter, one of Jesus's first disciples, learned about God's plan more clearly and shared the gospel with the Gentiles.
Key Themes: 1. The good news, the gospel, is for all! 2. The disciples continued Jesus's work on Earth. 3. Baptism is an important step in obeying the gospel. Memory Verse
19 So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach them to obey everything that I have told you. You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of the world.” -Matthew 28:19-20
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Animal Sort Materials: Pictures of different animals (farm animals, wild animals, pets, etc.) Two large baskets with labels. Instructions: Show the child the pictures of different animals and ask them if they know the names of any of the animals. Ask the child to sort the animals into two groups. E.g. farm animals and wild animals. Putting them in the correct box. As they work, encourage them to name the animals they are sorting and talk about any interesting characteristics of the animals. Repeat the activity again with different animal pictures or categories of animals. (Idea from 2. Special Delivery Tell the kids you have a special message to give to them. How could I get you that message? (They may say: the mail, e-mail, text, etc.). Say: God had a very special message he needed to give to Peter. He used an unusual way to do it! He gave Peter the message through a very interesting vision or dream! 4. Apples and OrangesSupplies: an apple, an orange Play: Form a circle. One child will pass an apple to the right around the circle. Another child will pass an orange to the left around the circle. This seems easy right? Once the apple and oranges have made it around the circle, say now we are going to change the rules. In the second round, the kids can’t pass the fruit with their hands. Kids can use their feet, elbows, or knees to pass the fruit. If someone drops the fruit or it touches the ground, the child must close his eyes to continue playing. Play continues until only one person with his or her eyes open remains. Discussion: For most of the Old Testament, God's people were divided into two groups-Jews and Gentiles (or apples and oranges!). At first, God used the Jewish people to fulfill his plan for redemption. He wanted to keep them separate to keep them holy for his plan. However, once Jesus came and died for EVERYONE's sins, the game changed. Now, God is calling EVERYONE to be his people-the Jews and the Gentiles. Today's lesson is about how God made this known through the apostle Peter. Story: When Jesus left for heaven, he told the disciples to "go into all the world and preach the good news." He gave them the important work of spreading his message of salvation. But, Jesus' new way of salvation (sometimes we call it the New Law) was much, much different than the Old Law that God had given to Moses thousands of years ago. The old law required animal sacrifices and had important rules like which animals were clean and could be eaten and which animals must not be eaten. The Law also said what kind of people the Jewish people could associate with and which ones they could not. This was a BIG change for the new Jewish Christians who had been following some of these rules their entire life! Fortunately, God was there to help the apostles in this important work. Luke recorded the history of the church in the book of Acts. This is the story about how Peter, one of Jesus's first disciples, learned about God's plan more clearly and shared the gospel with the Gentiles. READ the story Peter Tells Cornelius about Jesus or read Acts 10:1-48 in the Bible. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Craft: Invited by Love Letter from
When Jesus left for heaven, he told the disciples to "go into all the world and preach the good news." He also promised that he would be with them always, even to the end of the age. God sent the Holy Spirit to help the disciples fulfill this important work. Luke recorded the history of the church in the book of Acts. This is the story about how one of the most unlikely followers of Jesus became a follower and one of the his most passionate evangelists. Key Themes: 1. The good news, the gospel, is for all! 2. The disciples continued Jesus's work on Earth. 3. Baptism is an important step in obeying the gospel. Memory Verse19 So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach them to obey everything that I have told you. You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of the world.” -Matthew 28:19-20 SongsBooks of the New Testament Apostles Song Every Move I Make I Am A C Jumping Up and Down Roll The Gospel Chariot Said I Wasn't Stand Up and Shout It This Little Light of Mine StoryBegin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Flashlight Fun Create a dimly lit environment by covering the outside windows and turning off the lights. A night light may be necessary if it is too dark. Allow the kids to play with flashlights, such as tag or make shadow puppets. Discuss the dark and how difficult it would be to suddenly not be able to see. (Idea from 2. Who Am I? Blindfold a child. Let each of the kids take turns saying: "Hello. Who Am I?" They can even be silly and try to disguise their voice. The child in the blindfold must guess who said hello. You can let the kids take turns being blindfolded if time allows. Then, SAY: It is so important to listen to Jesus. Today, we are going to learn about someone who thought he was following God, but he was actually grieving God and persecuting Jesus's church! His name was Saul. (Idea from Story: Jesus had gone up to heaven and his apostles and followers had formed the first churches. At first, everything was wonderful, but before long, the church began to face persecution from the government and the Jews who did not want the message of Jesus to spread. One of these Jewish leaders was named Saul and was passionate about getting rid of the followers of Jesus. However, after meeting Jesus himself and finding out he was not pleasing the Lord, he repented and became equally as passionate about spreading the gospel. This is the story of how Saul, later known as Paul, became a Christian. READ the story The Conversion of Saul (Paul) or read Acts 9:1-31 in the Bible. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story. ActivitiesGame: Blindfolded Guide Challenge Team kids up in groups of 2 or 3. One student is blindfolded and the other two are to act as guides. Set up an obstacle course around the room with stations and challenges. At each station, the guides must help the blindfolded person complete the challenge before moving on to the next station in the obstacle course. Examples of challenges may be to put a simple memory verse in order, do 10 jumping jacks, hops scotch station, hula hoop, sort small objects into buckets, shine a flashlight at a target, etc. You can make it a competition by timing each group to see who can do it the fastest. Discussion Questions: 1. How hard is it to complete a task when you can't see? 2. How much did you depend on your guides? 3. Why do you think God took Saul's vision from him? 4. What is the difference between being physically blind and spiritually blind? 5. What are some changes you can see in Saul when his physical vision is restored? What do those changes show us? 6. Are you a guide? Craft: Light on Damascus Road by TruewayKids
Supplies: Template, Plastic Zip Bag, Crayons, Markers, Scissors
When Jesus left for heaven, he told the disciples to "go into all the world and preach the good news." He also promised that he would be with them always, even to the end of the age. God sent the Holy Spirit to help the disciples fulfill this important work. This is the story about how one of Jesus' followers, Philip, shared the gospel with a man from Egypt.
Key Themes: 1. The good news, the gospel, is for all! 2. The disciples continued Jesus's work on Earth. 3. Baptism is an important step in obeying the gospel. Memory Verse
19 So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach them to obey everything that I have told you. You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of the world.” -Matthew 28:19-20
Books of the New Testament
Apostles Song Every Move I Make Jumping Up and Down Roll The Gospel Chariot Said I Wasn't Stand Up and Shout It This Little Light of Mine Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Scrolls Unroll a scroll (or a piece of paper) that says PROPHECY. Remind the children of what a prophecy is and some of the prophecies about Jesus. Read Acts 8:32-33 to the class. Is this verse hard to understand? Who is the verse about? Today, we are going to learn about how a man was reading this verse, but he didn't know what it meant. One of Jesus' followers helped him! 2. Map Quest Show the kids a map of the world during the Early Church. (Here is one. ) Show them where Jerusalem is and where Gaza is. Explain that this is where our story today took place thousands of years ago. Emphasize that we are learning all about church history. Just like you learned about how our country was founded in school, we are learning about how the church was founded in Bible school. 3. Share the Love of Jesus! Supplies: microphone, heart or talking stick SAY: Before Jesus went to Earth, he told his followers to (review memory verse). And they did that very thing! They were telling everyone they could about Jesus! Before we read our story, I want us to practice talking about how good Jesus is! When I pass you this item, that means it is your turn to speak up about Jesus! Tell me one thing you know or love about Jesus! Let the kids take turns. Encourage them to come up with different answers from the ones who went before them. Alternative: You can have the kids each share someone that they want to tell about Jesus (a friend, relative, etc.) Story: Jesus had gone up to heaven and his apostles and followers had formed the first churches. He left his disciples the Holy Spirit to help them as they built the church and spread the Good News. God sent an angel to tell Philip where to find someone who wanted to know more about God and Jesus. READ the story of Philip and the Ethiopian or read Acts 8:26-40 in the Bible. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Game: Chariot Races
Supplies: Two boxes or laundry baskets, Two stuffed animals, and a Two pieces of rope, and tape. Create two "chariots" and put a stuffed animal in each one. Let the kids pull the chariots back and forth across the lines as they answer review questions about the story. You can read more in depth directions at the Sunday School Network.
Create Your Own Scroll
Use these scrolls from Oriental Trading and Encourage the kids to write or draw pictures that share things that are true about Jesus and God.
Chariot Craft from Trueway Kids
Supplies: Template (best on cardstock), 2 Cardboard Tubes, String, Colors, Scissors, Glue
When Jesus left for heaven, he told the disciples to "go into all the world and preach the good news." He also promised that he would be with them always, even to the end of the age. God sent the Holy Spirit to help the disciples fulfill this important work. The apostles chose deacons to help them with the important work of the church. God's Spirit gave the disciples the ability to perform miracles and to be able to preach the Good News.
Key Themes: 1. Jesus sent The Holy Spirit to help us. 2. The disciples continued Jesus's work on Earth. 3. The disciples established the first Church. Memory Verse
19 So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach them to obey everything that I have told you. You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of the world.” -Matthew 28:19-20
Books of the New Testament
Apostles Song Every Move I Make Jumping Up and Down Roll The Gospel Chariot Said I Wasn't Stand Up and Shout It This Little Light of Mine Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. I Choose You fromTrueway Kids.orgPoint to someone and say, “I choose you to ________________” and then give him an instruction. He then does that instruction and points to someone else. For example, I choose you to jump up and down. Or I choose you to spin around. Talk about how the seven helpers were chosen for a special job and how God has an important role for us. 2. Find Seven from Trueway In this game, children must search and find seven of an object. For example, if you say leaf, the child must find seven leaves. With more children, you can make it a race to return the seven items to you the quickest. You could also play the game in a car ride. You can ask the children to name seven items which are blue or seven objects that begin with ‘a’. Story: Jesus had gone up to heaven and his apostles and followers had formed the first churches. He left his disciples the Holy Spirit to help them as they built the church and spread the Good News. The Holy Spirit helps us today too. One of the things they did was choose deacons to serve the church. Stephen was one of the men chosen. He was also the first person to die for following Jesus. READ the story of Stephen is Martyred or read Acts 6-7 in the Bible. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsActivities
When Jesus left for heaven, he told the disciples to "go into all the world and preach the good news." He also promised that he would be with them always, even to the end of the age. God sent the Holy Spirit to help the disciples fulfill this important work. God's Spirit gave the disciples the ability to perform miracles and to be able to preach the Good News.
Key Themes: 1. Jesus sent The Holy Spirit to help us. 2. The disciples continued Jesus's work on Earth. 3. The disciples established the first Church. Memory Verse
19 So go and make followers of all people in the world. Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach them to obey everything that I have told you. You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of the world.” -Matthew 28:19-20
Books of the New Testament
Apostles Song Every Move I Make Jumping Up and Down Roll The Gospel Chariot Said I Wasn't Stand Up and Shout It This Little Light of Mine Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Jumping Games (from Play a simple game that involves jumping such as hopscotch, leap frog or jump rope. SAY: Today, we are going to learn about a man who could not walk, but jumped to his feet when some of the disciples healed him." 2. Mat Carry Bring a stuffed animal and a blanket. Let the children practice carrying the animal around the room using the blanket. ASK: How do you think it made the man feel that he had to be carried everywhere? How do you think it made him feel to have to beg? Story: Jesus had gone up to heaven and his apostles and followers had formed the first churches. He left his disciples the Holy Spirit to help them as they built the church and spread the Good News. The Holy Spirit helps us today too. READ the story of A Lame Man is Healed or read Acts 3-4 in the Bible. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsActivities |
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