This is the story of how Jesus began his ministry on Earth. He began by calling his first disciples, or friends, that he would teach about God's kingdom.
Key Concepts: 1. We should choose good friends. 2. Jesus's chose friends who were humble; He did not go to the kings or rulers. 3. Jesus began his plan by teaching people about God's kingdom. Memory Verse
7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4:7-8 Songs
Books of the New Testament
Jesus Called Them One By One (Apostle Song) Fished All Night and Caught No Fish Fishers of Men If You Love Jesus My God is So Big This Little Light of Mine Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Fishing Game: Let kids fish for questions about choosing a good friend. It can be scenarios or yes/no questions about the qualities of a good friend. The fruits of the spirit are good examples of the attributes of a good friend. You can let them pull fish shapes out of a net or set up a fishing game. 2. Fishermen Game: Two kids are designated "Fishers of Men." They must catch all their friends. They can tag them or you can give them a sheet as a "net." As they catch their classmates, they have to put them in a designated area known as the boat. If the game is being played inside, make a rule where no one is allowed to run, they have to slide or "swim" by not picking up their feet. SAY: Today, we are talking about how Jesus became friends with 4 fishermen and he said they would not catch fish anymore, but they would catch men. Story: After Jesus was baptized and he stood up against Satan's temptation, it was time to begin his special rescue plan. First, he wanted to build a team of people to help him with his mission. He would need friends he could teach all about God and his new kingdom. These people would be known as his disciples. If you were going to begin a new kingdom, who would you choose to be on your team? Would you choose the smartest? The wealthiest? Maybe the ones with the most power? That is not who Jesus went to at all. Let's learn who Jesus went to for his first friends. READ Luke 5:1-11 in your Bible or tell the children about the Calling of the Four Fishermen. - EMPHASIZE that:
Visual Aids
1. Where was Jesus teaching at the beginning of our story?
2. What job did the first disciples do? 3. Is the who the people would have expected the Messiah to call? 4. What were the names of the first disciples? 5. What did Jesus say their new job would be? God is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
This is the story of how Jesus was tempted in the wilderness.
Key Concepts: 1. Jesus was the Son of God. 2. We can recognize when we are being tempted. 3. We need to know God's Word to guide us when we are tempted. Memory Verse
7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4:7-8 Songs
Books of the New Testament
Shake the Devil Off 1, 2, 3 the Devil's After Me If You Love Jesus My God is So Big This Little Light of Mine Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Tug of War: Divide the class into two groups and play a simple game of tug of war. Discuss how this is like temptation. When our hearts are battling between what God wants us to do and what the devil wants us to do. (Source: 2. Doing Hard Things Challenge (Source: Remind your child how Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness without any food. Have a competition tosee how long they can do a difficult thing. For example:
Story: Do you know what it means to fast? (not to eat for a certain amount of time) What is longest you can go without eating? A morning? Maybe one day? After Jesus was baptized, he went into the wilderness to be alone with God. During this time he fasted, which means he did not eat, for 40 days! That means Jesus did not eat for more than a month! How do you think Jesus was feeling? During this time, the devil came to tempt Jesus. He knew God had a new and important plan and wanted to mess it up just like he had ruined God's plan in the Garden with Adam and Eve. READ Matthew: 4:1-11 in your Bible or tell the children about the Temptation of Jesus. - EMPHASIZE that:
Visual Aids
1. Where did the devil find Jesus?
2. What was the devil trying to get Jesus to do? 3. What are some of the things the devil tempted Jesus with? 4. How did Jesus answer the devil each time? God is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
1. God's Word is a Treasure Box
Supplies: Treasure boxes (oriental trading) OR Template, God's Word coins from Oriental Trading OR cards with verses on it.
2. Secret Message Bible Verse Craft
Supplies: Jumbo Popsicle Sticks, Masking Tape, Scotch Tape, Markers
This is the story of when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
Key Concepts: 1. John the Baptist was a fulfillment of prophecy from the prophet Isaiah. 2. God called Jesus his Son and proclaimed He was pleased with Him. 3. We can be bold in sharing God's message just like John the Baptist. Memory Verse
7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4:7-8 Songs
New Testament Books
Hear O Israel Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart Lord My Desire We Fall Down You're the One The B-I-B-L-E Stand Up and Shout It Give Me a J Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer 1. Follow the Leader: Play a short game of Follow the Leader. Everyone should walk about behind the leader and copy what they do such as jumping, waving their hands. Today we are talking about following our leader, Jesus and copying what he does. 2. Sharing Time: Share with the kids a time you made your mom and dad proud, especially a memory from your childhood. How did you feel? What did your parents say or do that made you know that they were proud of you. Let the kids tell about a time that they made their mom or dad proud. Say: Today, we are going to talk about a time when Jesus made God, his father, very proud. 3. Getting Baptized: (Better for older kids) Share about the time that you were baptized or let the children share about a time they saw someone get baptized. What was said? What did they believe? How did everyone act? If there is time or it's not too disruptive, go on a "field trip" to see behind the scene of the church's baptistry. Story: The first thing Jesus did when he began his ministry was go to his cousin, John the Baptist to be baptized. Jesus went from Nazareth, all the way to the Jordan River (about 70 miles) to be baptized. Today's story is the story of how Jesus was baptized. READ Matthew 3: 13-17 in your Bible or tell the children about Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual Aids
Jesus is Baptized by Saddleback Kids
1. What was the message John the Baptist preached?
2. What did Jesus ask John to do? 3. What did John say when Jesus asked him to baptize him? 4. What happened after Jesus was baptized? God is...
Challenge the kids to come up with a God statement based on this lesson. For example, God is my best friend, God is my Father, God will protect me.
Activity Ideas
Dove Craft from Trueway Kids
Supplies: Template, Scissors, Copy Paper, Yellow or Orange Pencil, Yarn or String
This lesson is about John the Baptist and his ministry to prepare the way for Jesus.
Key Concepts: 1. John the Baptist was a fulfillment of prophecy from the prophet Isaiah. 2. John the Baptist was to prepare the way for Jesus. His message was that the coming of the Savior was near. 3. We can be bold in sharing God's message just like John the Baptist. Memory Verse
7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4:7-8 Songs
New Testament Books
Hear O Israel Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart Lord My Desire We Fall Down You're the One The B-I-B-L-E Stand Up and Shout It Give Me a J Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Honey Taste Test: Have the children taste test honey. Discuss how delicious the honey is and how today we are going to learn about someone who ate honey. But he ate his wild honey with...locusts! (You may have to explain or show what a locust is). Bonus if you can find one and bring it in for the children to see. 2. Locust Race: Print copies of the paper locust from Trueway Kids. Let the kids use a straw to blow the locust and try to get it to "Hop" across a finish line. Story: Do you remember the story when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth? Do you remember what the baby in Elizabeth's stomach did when it heard Mary's voice? Jumped! That baby knew before it was born that Mary's baby was something special! Today, we are going to talk about what that baby did when it grew up. He had a very special job. His job was to tell everyone to Repent! and get ready because the Savior was coming. But he had some very peculiar habits. Let's talk about John the Baptist. READ Luke 3:2-20 in your Bible or tell the children about John the Baptist. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual Aids
1. Do you remember how John the Baptist and Jesus were related?
2. Where did John the Baptist live? 3. What prophet spoke about John the Baptist. 4. What was the message of John the Baptist? God is...
Challenge the kids to come up with a God statement based on this lesson. For example, God is my best friend, God is loyal, God will protect me...
Activity Ideas
Hard Hearts
Use salt dough or air dry clay to make a few hearts. Let the children mold their own hearts and compare a hard heart to a soft heart. Let the children decorate their hearts by adding beads, glitter or paint.
Tissue Paper Roll Grasshopper
Template, Toilet paper roll, Markers, Glue, Scissors |
AuthorWrite something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Archives
January 2025
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