Jesus came to Earth to teach us how we should live. However, he also knew that no matter how hard we tried, we would never be perfect. In order to fulfill God's plan, a final sacrifice was required. Just as Jesus's birth fulfilled prophecy, his death had also been predicted by the prophets. In this story, Jesus is arrested and is crucified.
Key Themes: 1. Jesus death was the final sacrifice for sin. 2. Jesus's death fulfilled prophecy. 3. Jesus sacrifice restored the relationship that was lost in the Garden of Eden. Memory Verse
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. -Mark 10:45
Books of the New Testament
Make Me a Servant Jesus is My Best Friend Love is Something if You Give It Away Banner Over Us is Love Be Still and Know Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Story in a Sack Place a list of items in a large sack. Some items could be: rope, a blindfold, coins, plastic sword, crown, purple robe or cloth, cross, spear, linen strips, etc. Tell the story by pulling out each object and letting that object "introduce" that part of the story. 2. What is a Prophecy? Remind the kids about what prophecy is. A prophecy is a passage of the Bible that predicted the coming up the Messiah. You can review some of these prophecy scriptures: Isaiah 53, Isaiah 50, Exodus 12:46, Psalm 41:9, Psalm 118:22, 22: 7-18, Psalm 69:21, Exodus 12:9 Story: Jesus came to Earth to show us how to live in a way that pleased God. However, Jesus also knew that no matter how good we were, we could never be perfect. The Israelites had made sacrifice after sacrifice, and had created thousands of laws to try to overcome their sin. There was really only one solution and Jesus knew he would eventually had to die to be the final sacrifice for our sins. Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He asked his disciples to watch and pray with him, but they kept falling asleep. Jesus prayed and begged God to find another way, but he knew this had been the plan all along. There wasn't another way. This was the most important work Jesus had come to do. READ the story of Jesus's Crucifixion OR read Matthew 27:32-56 in the Bible. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Supplies: cardstock, painters tape, paint and brushes, small cups for paint and water
Jesus came to teach us how we should live on Earth to please God, who is in heaven. One of the ways he taught was through parables. Other times, he preached like on the Sermon on the Mount. Sometimes, he would teach through his miracles. In this story, Jesus has the Last Supper with his disciples and explains the plan for Jesus to die.
We still hold the Lord's Supper each week to remember Jesus's sacrifice. Key Themes: 1. Jesus death was the final sacrifice for sin. 2. Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper to help us remember his sacrifice. 3. Jesus is the best friend you can have. Memory Verse
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. -Mark 10:45
Books of the New Testament
Make Me a Servant Jesus is My Best Friend Love is Something if You Give It Away Banner Over Us is Love Be Still and Know Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Making Connections Remind or read the children of the story of the Passover. Review that the purpose of the Passover was to remember when God set the Israelites free from Egyptian slavery. It was at this meal that Jesus instituted a new meal we celebrate to remember that Jesus set us free from sin. 2. Last Meals Set the table like it would have been for the Passover. SAY: Pretend you were going away on a trip far away and you were not going to see your friends and family for a long time. What would you talk about? What are some things you would want to tell them? This is the story of Jesus's special meal with his disciples before he dies on the cross. 3. Make Unleavened Bread Find a simple unleavened bread recipe. Let each child mix and pat out their own bread. While they are mixing, remind the kids about the history of unleavened bread during the Israelites time in Egypt. SAY Making this kind of bread was a tradition handed down through many generations of Israelites to remember the goodness of God. We still eat this bread today for the same reason. While it is baking, tell the story of the Last Supper. Story: Jesus came to Earth to show us how to live in a way that pleased God. However, Jesus also knew that no matter how good we were, we could never be perfect. The Israelites had made sacrifice after sacrifice, and had created thousands of laws to try to overcome their sin. There was really only one solution and Jesus knew he would eventually had to die to be the final sacrifice for our sins. While Jesus ate the Passover meal with his disciples, he tried to help them connect the salvation and freedom that the Passover represented with the salvation and freedom that he would eventually give them. In doing so, he also instituted the Lord's Supper, which we take each week to remember Jesus's sacrifice. READ the story of The Last Supper OR read Matthew 26:17-30 in the Bible. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Jesus had traveled all around Israel teaching and healing. His time here on Earth was nearing an end. It was almost time for his most important work to be done.
However, Jesus was still teaching his disciples. In this story, Jesus demonstrates humility and teaches his disciples an important lesson how to serve others. Key Themes: 1. The Son of God did come to be served, but to serve. 2. We should follow the example of Jesus and serve others. 3. God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. We need to be humble. Memory Verse
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16
Books of the New Testament
Apostle Song Make Me a Servant We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise We Fall Down This Little Light of Mine Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Washing Feet Wash the feet of students. Use a bowl of warm water, a towel or cloth for washing and another for drying. Adding fragrance to the water or using lotion is also good. While you are washing their feet, speak words of encouragement to them and tell them what an honor it is to serve them. Verbally affirm your love for them. If appropriate, then offer students the opportunity to wash the feet of other class members. (from 2. Clean vs. Dirty Allow the kids to play with clay or with kinetic sand for a while. When you are ready to proceed with the lesson, call attention to their hands. SAY: We have been playing and working hard, and now our hands are dirty. Would you want to eat with those dirty hands? Let's wash our hands to prepare for our class. In today's story, Jesus and his disciples had been walking and working in sandals all day. It was time for supper and their feet were dirty! Let's see what Jesus did... Story: Jesus came to Earth to rescue, or save, us. He had taught the people how to live through his example and his teachings. He told parables to help them understand. He performed miracles that no other person could have ever done. However, it was time for him to go to Jerusalem to fulfill his mission. In Jesus's time and place, the people wore sandals or even went barefoot if they couldn't afford shoes. Can you image how dirty, sweaty and stinky their feet must have been. Yuck! It was a custom for a servant to wash your feet when you entered their home. However, this job was done by the servants of the house. Jesus used this as a way to teach the disciples another important lesson. READ the story of Jesus Shows Humility or read John 13:3-16 in your class Bibles. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Jesus Washes Feet Craft
Supplies:Template (below) , Blue Paper Plate, Gift Tissue Paper, Scissors, Brad Cut out the foot and hand (coloring them is optional). Glue a square of gift tissue under the fingers on the hand. Attach the hand at the wrist to the edge of the plate using a brad. Glue the foot in the middle of the plate. The hand should be able to rotate over the foot to represent washing. Optional: Write the memory verse or "I Will Serve Like Jesus" on the foot or the hand.
Jesus Washes Feet
Supplies: Laminated Printable, Expo markers, Erasers OR shaving cream (optional) Laminate the printable (or put it in a page protector). All the children to make the feet dirty by drawing dirt and germs on the feet. Then, they can use the eraser to "wash" the feet and make them clean again. Use shaving cream as "soap" for extra fun. To fill time (or for older kids) challenge them on what to draw. SAY: "Draw what might be on your feet if you walked barefoot...(in a swamp, the dump, the beach, on the moon, through a barn, etc.) Encourage them to draw their silliest ideas like aliens for the moon OR a crocodile for the swamp!
Jesus had traveled all around Israel teaching and healing. His time here on Earth was nearing an end. It was almost time for his most important work to be done. In this story, we learn about when Jesus goes to Jerusalem to fulfill God's plan for salvation. Even in this story, Jesus fulfills prophecy and proves that he is the Son of God.
(Optional) Once in Jersusalem, he finds that the temple of God is being used as a market. Jesus did not want this! God's house was for worship. Key Themes: 1. Jesus is the Son of God. We can be confident of this because he fulfilled the prophecies. 2. We should praise Jesus and give glory to God just like the people did! 3. We need to obey God and his laws. Memory Verse
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16
Books of the New Testament
Hosanna in the Highest Above All Else God is So Good Great Are You Lord Ha-la-la-la-la-la-le-lu-jah He's the King Lord, Reign in Me Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Review & Connect What have we learned about Jesus? What do we know about his childhood? What could he do that no else could? What are some things that he taught us? SAY: With all that Jesus had taught us, his most important work on Earth still had to be done. To do that job, Jesus had to go to Jerusalem. This is the story of that journey. 2. Have a Parade. Pass out different objects like small kazoos, pom poms, etc. SAY: Have you ever been to a parade? Today, we are going to have a parade. Let the kids march behind you in a parade. You could even take a field trip around the building if it's appropriate. SAY: In today's story, Jesus travelled to Jerusalem, but his trip turned into a parade! 3. Hosanna SAY: Today, I want us to learn a new word. That word is Hosanna! (Encourage all the kids to say Hosanna with you.) Hosanna means "save." A long time before Jesus was born, the prophet Zechariah wrote down some things about the coming Savior. Read Zechariah 9:9 together. Let's see if Jesus fulfilled this prophecy. Story: Jesus came to Earth to rescue, or save, us. He had taught the people how to live through his example and his teachings. He told parables to help them understand. He performed miracles that no other person could have ever done. However, it was time for him to go to Jerusalem to fulfill his mission. READ the story of the Triumphant Entry or Matthew 21:1-11 and/or Jesus Clears the Temple or Matthew 21:12-17. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Palm Leaves Hand Tracing Craft
Supplies: Green construction paper, pencil, scissors, glue and a popsicle stick OR cardboard tube
Palm Leaves Steppingstone Game
Supplies: Paper cut into large leaves, list of questions Ask kids questions about the story. As they get answers correct, let them move along the leaves. First one "down the road" of leaves wins!
Jesus came to teach us how we should live on Earth to please God, who is in heaven. One of the ways he taught was through parables. Other times, he preached like on the Sermon on the Mount. Sometimes, he would teach through his miracles. In this story, we can learn about how to live through Jesus's example.
Jesus taught us how we can show friendship to others--especially those who did not have many friends. This person's name was Zacchaeus and he was a tax collector. Key Themes: 1. God wants us to love others. 2. Jesus was a true friend to others, even if they were not popular. 3. Jesus is the best friend you can have. Memory Verse
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. -Mark 10:45
Books of the New Testament
Zacchaeus was a Wee Little Man Make Me a Servant Jesus is My Best Friend Love is Something if You Give It Away Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Measure up Bring a measuring tape or a make a ruler on the wall and measure each child. Who is the tallest? Who is the shortest? Discuss what it would be like to be in a crowd and not able to see. How would you feel? Frustrated? Left out? 2. Size sort Bring some items that are different heights (bottles, dolls, blocks, etc.) and let the kids arrange them by size. SAY: Today, we are talking about a man that know for his size. But he wasn't know for being big...he was known for being very short. His name was Zacchaeus. 3. Sharing Time Talk about a time when you felt alone or left out. How did it feel? How does it feel when you are included? What are things good friends do? Story: Jesus came to Earth to show us how to live in a way that pleased God. Sometimes, he told us through stories called parables and other times through his miracles. Many times, we can learn how to please God through his EXAMPLE or the way Jesus lived while he was here on Earth. One of the things that made Jesus very special was how he treated others. What made him extra special was how he treated the people others were unkind too. Jesus was kind to a Samaritan woman that others would not have even spoken to. He showed kindness to the sick and poor. He took time for children and widows. He even showed kindness to people that were considered sinners, like tax collectors. Tax collectors had a bad reputation among the Jewish people. They were considered thieves and traitors. Let's learn about how Jesus showed friendship to this man. READ the story of Zacchaeus the Tax Collector OR read Luke 19:1-10. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Zacchaeus Tree by TruewayKids
Supplies: Template, Colors, Scissors, Tape, String
Zacchaeus Finger Print Tree
Supplies: Template, Colors, Scissors, Glue, Green Paint OR Green Tissue Paper OR construction paper in the shape of leaves
Jesus came to teach us how we should live on Earth to please God, who is in heaven. One of the ways he taught was through stories called parables. Other times, he preached like on the Sermon on the Mount. Sometimes, he would teach through his miracles. In this story, we learned that Jesus can and will provide for us. If we are willing to trust Jesus with our small offering, Jesus can do big things with it!
Key Themes: 1. God can and will provide for your needs. It's a promise! 2. Jesus can do a lot with just a little. 3. Jesus cared about others problems and helped those in need. Memory Verse
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. -Mark 10:45
Books of the New Testament
Cast Your Burdens Five Little Loaves and Two Little Fishies It Isn't Any Trouble Lord, My Desire Love is Something if You Give It Away Make Me A Servant Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Picnic Spread a blanket on the classroom floor and set up a simple picnic. You could even serve goldfish crackers and small rolls to represent the fish and the loaves. SAY: Today we are going to learn about a time that a young boy shared his lunch and Jesus was able to have a picnic with all of his friends and followers. 2. Math Warm Up Calculate how much it would cost to feed 5000 men (guess how many women and children). Maybe you could plan on each person eating a hamburger, fries and drink. How many groups of 50 would that have been? (from 3. Sharing Time Describe a time when someone shared with you. How did it make you feel? How do you think it made that person feel to share? SAY: Today, we are going to talk about a young boy who was willing to share his lunch with Jesus. Story: Jesus came to Earth to show us how to live in a way that pleased God. Some people did not like what he said. Others didn't quite understand it. The way God wants us to live is completely upside down and backwards to the way this world is! During Jesus's time, food was very important. They couldn't just run to the grocery store when the needed something to eat. They didn't have microwaves either! If they needed food, they had to go the fields or the orchards and harvest it. To make bread, they had to mix the dough, knead it, let it rise and then bake it. It might take all day! Sometimes, they could go to the market to buy what the needed, but that took money-something many of the poor in Jerusalem did not have much of. So, you can see the problem Jesus's disciples faced. READ the story of The Boys Shares His Lunch OR read John 6:1-13. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God sand his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Counting Ring by Faithsprouts Blog
Supplies: Pipe Cleaners, Uncooked mostaccioli pasta, foamie sheets, scissors, hole punch
Fish and Loaves Basket Craft from Crafting the Word of God
Supplies: Template, Colors, and Glue, Cardstock or Construction Paper
Jesus came to Earth to teach us how to live in a way that pleases God. He modeled the attitude, priorities, and spirit He wants us to have. In this story, Jesus teaches two sisters (and us!) about priorities, or what is most important in our life.
Key Themes: 1. Live like Jesus-gentle, humble, and kind. 2. A relationship with Jesus is the most important thing! 3. Do not worry. Memory Verse
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. -Mark 10:45
Books of the New Testament
Above All Else I'm Happy Today It Isn't Any Trouble Lord, My Desire Love is Something if You Give It Away Jesus is My Best Friend StoryBegin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Big things first This activity is a fun experiment and important lesson that teaches us about priorities. Practice ahead of time, so you have the correct quantities when doing the activity with your child. You will need, big rocks, pebbles, sand, water, and a jar. First ask your child to fit the items into the jar, smallest to largest. The jar should be too full to fill in all the rocks. Next repeat the activity with largest items first until everything fits. Speak about how we must put God first in our lives. (from 2. Cleaning Time Bring simple cleaning tools that young kids could use (or toy brooms, vacuum, etc. if more appropriate) and simple snack (check for allergies) with paper plates and a paper tablecloth. You could bring a swiffer, broom, duster, wipes, window cleaner, etc. SAY: Today, we are going to have a special meal in our class. It is going to be a banquet. I need your help to clean up the classroom and set the table. Assign the children jobs, and spend 5-10 minutes getting ready for the banquet. When the table is spread, then SAY: Today, we are talking about two sisters who were getting ready for a special meal with Jesus. Their names were Mary and Martha. Let's read about what happened. 3. Sibling Rivalry ASK: Do you ever have a disagreement with your brother or sister? What are some things you fight about? (For older kids, you could also ask about sharing chores or responsibilities.) How does it make you feel when you disagree? How does it make you feel when your brother or sister will not help you? Today, our friend Martha felt a lot of those same feelings! Story: Jesus came to Earth to show us how to live in a way that pleased God. Some people did not like what he said. Others didn't quite understand it. I think that is what happened with our friend Martha in today's story. She loved Jesus and wanted to please him! But, she let her priorities get a little mixed up! READ the story of Jesus, Mary and Busy Martha OR read Luke 10:38-42. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God sand his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Make Your Own Watch from Trueway Kids
Supplies: Template, Colors, Scissors, Glue, Fastener (Brad)
Put Jesus First Door Hanger from Kids Bible
Supplies: Colors, Scissors, Glue or Tape, Construction Paper, Stickers or other decorative items, Pipe Cleaner OR Ribbon/String
"Take Time for Jesus Clock"
Construction Paper, Paper Plates, Brads, Glue or tape, String or Pipe Cleaner, Scissors, Decorative Elements, Colors
Jesus came to show his power through miracles so that we could trust that what he said came from God. He also demonstrated how we should live in a way that pleased God. Jesus modeled the attitude, priorities, and spirit He wants us to have.
Key Themes: 1. Live like Jesus-gentle, humble and kind. 2. Jesus was a servant and we should have the heart of a servant too. 3. Jesus should treat us as slaves or sinners but instead, he calls us friends! Memory Verse
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. -Mark 10:45
Books of the New Testament
Above All Else I'm Happy Today It Isn't Any Trouble Lord, My Desire Love is Something if You Give It Away Make Me A Servant Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Obstacle Course Set up a simple obstacle course using chairs, boxes or other things you can find in your classroom. Encourage children to find their way through the obstacle course. Talk about Jesus wants you to come to him and nothing should get between you and Jesus. 2. Sharing Time Share a time that you helped someone that was younger than you. Share a time someone older than you helped you. Introduce the idea of humility as being taking the time to show kindness to someone who can't show you kindness back. Story: Jesus came to Earth to show us how to live in a way that pleased God. Some people did not like what he said. Others didn't quite understand it. The way God wants us to live is completely upside down and backwards to the way this world is! In the world, kings are important but Jesus said children are just as important! In the world, they say to be busy, make money, and be important! Jesus says, slow down, be content and consider others more important than yourself. READ the story of Jesus and the Children OR read Mark 10:13-16. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God sand his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Let The Little Children Come to Me
Supplies: Template pages, Colored pencils, and Scissors, Glue
Jesus and the Children Finger Puppets
Supplies: Template (below), Colors, Scissors, Tape
When Jesus came to Earth, he performed miracles to prove that he was the Son of God. In today's story, we are going to discuss all the different powers that Jesus possessed. He had power over sickness and disease, the weather, demons and more. Jesus is bigger and stronger than any struggle you may face!
Key Themes: 1. Jesus did miracles to convince us that He is the Son of the almighty God. 2. A miracle is a special act of God's power. 3. Jesus wants us to have faith instead of fear-because he is more powerful than anything we face in this world! Memory Verse
John 20:30, 31––“Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.”
Books of the New Testament
Apostles Song Do Lord He's Got the Whole World in His Hands My God is So Big Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Unclean Place a rope or wool on the floor to create a circle. Have your children walk around inside the circle but explain they must not touch each other, or they will be out. As the game continues make the circle smaller and smaller. Remind your child how people with leprosy were not allowed to touch or get close to others. ( 2. Who Touched Me? Have a child or adult sit with their back to the others in the room. One child is selected to touch the player on the back and sit back down. The player must guess who it was that touched them. Story: God's people have been waiting for the Messiah--or "Anointed One" for a long time. They knew that this person would be powerful. The miracles Jesus performed drew many people to him. They were amazed at what he could do because no other person could. It helped them to believe in Jesus! The disciples wrote down many of the miracles they witnessed so we could also believe in Jesus. Review: What is a miracle? A miracle is not a magic trick. A miracle is a special act of God's power. -A miracle always had immediate and instant results. -They were always successful. -They were always performed to help someone or glorify God. READ the story of Jesus Shows His Power Through Miracles OR read selected passages about different miracles Jesus performed. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Thank You Flower from
Supplies: Template, Cardboard Tube, Paint or Colors, Scissors, Glue
The Blind Man Craft by TruewayKids
Supplies: Template, Colors, Scissors Jesus performed miracles to prove he was the Son of God. He also used miracles to teach and show people God's love for them. Review this story, about how the disciples recognized Jesus's power and Jesus was able to call them to a new job. Like the disciples, we are also called to be "fishers of men." Key Themes: 1. Jesus did miracles to convince us he that He is the Son of the almighty God. 2. A miracle is a special act of God's power. 3. Jesus told his disciples to become "fishers of men." Memory VerseJohn 20:30, 31––“Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” SongsBooks of the New Testament Apostles Song Sea of Galilee Do Lord He's Got the Whole World in His Hands I Want to Be a Worker for the Lord StoryBegin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Fishers of Men Game Two kids -“fishermen”- hold a sheet between them and dash around the room trying to catch other kids in the group by wrapping them in the sheet. Once caught the “fish” are put in an area designated “the boat”. Very simple – but good to launch a discussion about what Jesus really had in mind. 2. Gummy Worm Gospel Show kids the gummy worms and share them with the kids. Introduce the idea of fishing. Why does a fishermen put a worm on his hook? (Worms are attractive to fish.) Where does a fishermen go to fish? (Where the fish are!) What does a fishermen of men do? Share the gospel of Jesus (the worm) with people who don't know Jesus (the fish). Ask the kids for ideas about how they can share the gospel! Story: Since the days of Abraham, God's people have been waiting for the Messiah--or "Anointed One." The Jews were expecting a mighty warrior king, like David. Jesus was so different from what they expected, many of the Jews didn't even recognize him. God knew it would be important for the His Son to be able to prove that he was the Son of God. He gave Jesus the power to perform miracles. One of the interesting things about Jesus, is he didn't choose the high priests, or the wealthy, or the military generals to be his closest companions. His first friends were fishermen. Review: What is a miracle? A miracle is not a magic trick. A miracle is a special act of God's power. -A miracle always had immediate and instant results. -They were always successful. -They were always performed to help someone or glorify God. READ Luke 5:1-11 in your Bible or tell the children about the Calling of the Four Fishermen. - EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsSaddleback Kids: Jesus Calls His First Disciples Life Kids: Jesus Calls His First Disciples Lumos: Jesus Calls His First Disciples Review1. Where was Jesus teaching at the beginning of our story? 2. What job did the first disciples do? 3. Is the who the people would have expected the Messiah to call? 4. What were the names of the first disciples? 5. What did Jesus say their new job would be? God is...Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story. Activities |
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