This lesson is focused on helping children understand King Solomon and the timeline event of the Kingdom of Israel dividing.
Key Concepts: 1. Even in his wisdom, King Solomon surrounded himself with people who turned his heart away from God. 2. There are always consequences for sin. Sometimes, the consequences of our sin can hurt others. 3. As the children of Israel moved further away from God, their country became weaker and weaker. Memory Verse
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.
Ecclesiastes 12:13b Songs
Old Testament Book
Hear O Israel Lord My Desire Building Up the Temple Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day Castle of My Heart Be Careful Little Eyes Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Wise Words: Ask the children to share things their parents always say. They may say things like, "Don't talk with your mouth full," OR "Don't talk to strangers." Ask the children, "How do you think your parents become so wise?" Maybe they learned from their own mistake or from watching someone else make the mistake. Talk about how that the older people get, the more experience they have. The children in your class might have good advice for children younger than them. “In today’s story we are going to learn about someone who did not listen to advice from older people. This person listened to advice from people who did not have any experience. (Source: READ 1 Kings 11:41-12:24; 2 Chronicles 10:1-11:4 or tell the story of Jeroboam and Rehoboam. EMPHASIZE that:
Printable Story
Review Questions
God is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. God is just but God is also forgiving. Explain how this fits into God's overall story as the kingdom of Israel divides. What pattern have we seen in previous stories when the people go their own way and don't follow God's way?
Activity Ideas
Supplies: Jenga Blocks Allow the kids to play a few rounds of Jenga. SAY: "You have to be careful and make good choices about which block to pull or else the tower comes down." Discuss how Solomon's choices made his kingdom come down. How can good/bad choices build/tear down our lives.
Dividing Up the Kingdom Sort
Supplies: Scissors, Glue, Template Allow the kids to sort the details between Rehoboam and Jeroboam
Good Advice Waffle OR Ice Cream Bar
Supplies: Frozen Waffles & a Toaster OR Ice Cream, Bowls/Plates, Forks/Spoons Yummy Toppings such as Whipped Cream, Syrups, Sprinkles, Chocolate Chips, etc. Yucky Toppings such as Beans, Sardines, Soy Sauce, etc. Explain to the kids as you add good things to your waffle/ice cream: Your life is made up of the consequences of your actions. You can take good advice and make good choices. (Give age appropriate examples of good choices they may make; obeying, helping to clean up, picking up their toys, sharing). But your life is affected by the bad choices we make. (Make another Sundae or waffle with yucky toppings). Give age appropriate examples of bad choices such as lying, fighting, talking back, etc. as you add yucky toppings. Ask the children which one they would like to eat. Emphasize that we create and build our life much the same way. Our lives are made up by our choices! So the advice we take is important.
This class is focused on helping the children learn more about King Solomon and understand the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.
Key Concepts: 1. The books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are found in the Old Testament and written by King Solomon. They are books where we can find wise saying and Godly perspective. 2. We can be wise like Solomon by reading Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. 3. Solomon's fame spread throughout the world for his wisdom and insight. Memory Verse
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.
Ecclesiastes 12:13b Songs
Old Testament Book
Hear O Israel Lord My Desire Building Up the Temple Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day Castle of My Heart Be Careful Little Eyes StoryBegin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Blind Man's Guide: Blindfold one of the children. Tell the child he has to find a spot in the room based on the other kids verbal directions. Tell the kids to notice how confusing it is when you aren't sure who to listen to. 2. A Time for Everything: Have the children identify different things they can expect from each season. For example, "what season would we go swimming? What season would we play in the snow?" Talk about how Solomon observed things like this and wrote down his observations in his books Provers and Ecclesiastes. READ selcected passages from Proverbs and Ecclesiastes or tell the story of how Solomon built a temple for the Lord. EMPHASIZE that:
Proverbs Printable Story from Trueway Kids Ecclesiastes Printable Story from Trueway Kids Printable Story
God is...
Connect the idea that God is a true friend to us, just like Jonathan was a true friend to David. Challenge the kids to come up with a God is statement based on this lesson. For example, God is my best friend, God is loyal, God will protect me...
Activity Ideas
Remember the Ant Craft
Supplies: Background, cardboard egg carton, black paint, pipe cleaners, scissors, googly eyes, glue
Cotton Ball Painting
Supplies: Template, cotton balls, paint
This is the story of how King Solomon built the Temple of God. This replaced the Tabernacle that had been used since the time of Moses. The Israelites used the talents and gifts to build a beautiful building for God. The Lord reminded Solomon that if the people ever turned away from Him, then this temple would mean nothing.
Key Concepts: 1. Since the beginning, God has always wanted to dwell with his people. 2. Solomon wanted to build a magnificent building worthy of God. 3. The Lord showed his presence in the temple. Today, the Lord dwells in the temple of our hearts. Memory Verse
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.
Ecclesiastes 12:13b Songs
Old Testament Book
Hear O Israel Lord My Desire Building Up the Temple Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day Castle of My Heart Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Make It Fit: Collect as many different sizes of containers as you can. Let the kids guess if objects can fit into a container before they try. Have some silly ones like a pillow in a small box. You could even try to fit a child in a box. Remind the kids that God is so much bigger than we can imagine. He can't be put into a box. (Source: Story: When King Solomon inherited the throne from his father King David, he also inherited a big job. David wanted to build a big, beautiful temple for God. But the Lord did not want David to build the temple. Instead, he wanted his son Solomon to build it. READ 1 Kings 6 in your Bible or tell the story of how Solomon built a temple for the Lord. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual Aid Resources Printable Story from Trueway Kids Printable Story
God is...
Challenge the kids to come up with a God is statement based on this lesson. For example, God is my best friend, God is loyal, God will protect me...
Activity Ideas
Solomon's Temple from TruewayKids
Supplies: Template on White Card, Cardboard Tube, Coloring pencils, paint, markers, OR crayons, and glue
Building a Temple
Provide various recycled materials or building materials: legos, blocks, etc. Challenge the kids to build and design their own temple.
1 Corinthians 3:16 Self Portraits
Supplies: Template, Crayons or Markers Have the students draw self-portraits. If you want to, you can provide yarn, google eyes, and more to make their picture 3D.
Resources and References
This is the story of how David's son Solomon was crowned the next king of Israel. Solomon is known as the wisest man in the world. This wisdom was a gift given specifically by God.
Key Concepts: 1. Saul, David and Solomon were the three kings during the time we call the United Kingdom. 2. Solomon desired wisdom more than silver or gold. He recognized his need for wisdom to be a leader for God. 3. We can be wise by knowing, loving and obeying God. Memory Verse
Proverbs 3:5, 6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
Old Testament Books
Hear O Israel Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart Three Kings of Israel Lord My Desire We Fall Down You're the One Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Gift Box: Have a box wrapped up like a gift. Have you ever had someone ask you what you wanted for Christmas or your birthday? What did you say? How did you make your decision? Today, we are going to learn about Solomon and God offered to give him a gift. He could choose anything he wanted. Let's find out what he asked God for. 2. Wise Choices: Give the children some scenarios. Offer a wise choice and unwise choice. Let them explain what makes the solution wise. Let them vote on the wise choice by waving a flag, raising their thumb or something fun. Story: We have talked about King Saul and then King David. Today, we are going to learn about a new king named Solomon. He was King David's son. Just as David was known as being a man after God's own heart, King Solomon was known for his wisdom. READ 1 Kings 3:3-28 in your Bible or tell the story of how Solomon was crowned king and ruled his people with wisdom. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual Aid Resources Virtual Storybook-No Sound Printable Story from Trueway Kids Printable Story
God is...
Challenge the kids to come up with a God is statement based on this lesson. For example, God is my best friend, God is loyal, God will protect me...
Activity Ideas
Make a crown, such asthese from Oriental Trading.
Owl Themed Craft
Almost any owl-themed craft will do, but here is one of my favorites.
Knowledge vs. Wisdom Object Lesson
Supplies: sponges, squirt guns, bowl, towels Explain to the kids that knowledge and wisdom are two very different things. Imagine that knowledge is the water that is in this water gun and you are the sponge. When you are in Bible class, at home, and at school you are being taught a lot of knowledge. If you feel like the kids can handle it, allow the kids to take turns answering the reviews questions and if they answer correctly, squirt into the sponge. Once the sponge is full, explain to the kids that knowledge is knowing the facts. Wisdom is knowing how to apply those facts to every day life situation. Squeeze the sponge into a bowl. How we use that knowledge to make good decisions in our daily lives is wisdom. Knowledge is knowing that God tells us, "Honor Your Father and Mother," wisdom is honoring them even when we are tempted to disobey. Squeeze out the sponge. We can fill our heads with knowledge of the Bible. Wisdom is what comes out when are pressured (or squeezed by Satan) to make wrong decisions but choose to follow God anyway,... Use the sponge to clean something. And when we use that knowledge in service to others, it becomes wisdom. Resources & References
This is the story of David and the Book of Psalms. David used his gift of writing and song to build a relationship with God. He desired a relationship with God and talked to God as a friend.
Key Concepts: 1. David wrote many of the Psalms in the Bible, but not all of them. 2. There are 5 main types of Psalms: Praise, Prayer, Lament (Sadness), Wisdom, and Royalty 3. David wrote down his thoughts and feelings into words we still read today. Memory Verse
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7
Old Testament Books
Only A Little Boy David Create in Me a Clean Heart (Psalm 51) I Am A Sheep (Psalm 23) This is the Day (Psalm 118) Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open class in prayer. Introducing the Story Ideas: 1. Psalm Mad Libs- (For older) Give each child a short Psalm with missing words. Allow the children to fill in the missing words to create their own Psalm. 2. Modern Day Psalm 23-Introduce the idea that David used his job as a shepherd to explain what God means to him. What are some jobs we could use today to describe our God. (For example, I am a student and the Lord is my teacher; I am a football player and the Lord is my Coach, etc.) We have been studying about David. We have learned about how: -David was chosen even though he wasn't the biggest, strongest, or most handsome. He was chosen by God to be king because of his heart. -David was brave when he fought Goliath. He trusted God so much he was willing to face a giant. -David had a true friend in Jonathan and they were loyal to each other. -David was still a man, and prone to sin. Just as David had a life filled with amazing victories, he also face humbling defeats. David had a gift for song. He would his thoughts, feelings and prayers down into poems and songs that we call psalms. Story: Use the virtual storybook or story printable to tell the students about David and his Psalms. EMPHASIZE THAT: 1. God's original plan was for us to be his friends. David talked to God like a friend. 2. David used his gift of writing and song to praise God. God wants us to use our gifts to praise him too. 3. The book of Psalm is useful in putting words to our feelings when we can't find the words. We can find encouragement, comfort, and inspiration. Visual Aids Virtual Storybook Printable Story
Review Questions
1. Who wrote most of the book of Psalms?
2. What are the 5 categories most of the Psalms fall into? 3. David is described as a man after God's own heart. Do you think the book of Psalms gives us a glimpse into why David is called this? 3. What are some ways that we praise God today? 4. David wrote his prayers down. Is this a good idea for us today? How could it be helpful? God is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. David spent time thinking about God and describing him. Challenge the kids to come up with as many "God is" statements as possible. Could they be arranged into a poem?
Write Your Own Psalms
Give the children a small simple journal. Allow them time to decorate the front of the book and make it their own. Encourage the children to write some of their own psalm and prayers in their journal. 23rd Psalm Shepherd's Staff Source: Oriental Trading God Is Paper Chain Supplies: Strips of paper, tape, glue or a staplers Give the kids strips of cardstock. Challenge them to write a different attribute of God on each strip. How long can the chain go? Make one as a class or allow each child to make their own. Demonstrate how they can use it and encourage them to use it when they pray. Sweeter Than Honey Bracelet (Psalm 119) Source: Ministry to Children Supplies: Pipe Cleaners OR yarn, Honey Nut Cheerios Allow the children to make bracelets out of Honey Nut Cheerios. Attach the tag on it to remind the children that God's Word is as Sweet As Honey.
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