This is the story of David's Sin with Bathsheba and the parable the prophet Nathan told King David. This story demonstrates the slippery slope of sin.
Key Concepts: 1. King David was a good man but still sinned. 2. Trying to cover a lie usually results in more lies/sin. 3. The results of sin can hurt others, not just the sinner. Memory Verse
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7
Old Testament Books
Create In Me A Clean Heart He's The King Lord, My Desire There Is A Flag Only a Little Boy David Three Kings of Israel Oh Be Careful Little Eyes Shake the Devil Off Read Your Bible Pray Everyday Story
riBegin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. What Does I Do Mean to You? Show some wedding photos or pass out small, fake weddings rings. Talk about the promises that we make at weddings. Discuss how that we promise to stay faithful only to our mate. We promise to never have another girlfriend or boyfriend other than the person we marry. “In today’s story we are going to learn about a time when someone did not keep their marriage promises.” 2. Ripples of Sin: Prepare a kiddie pool or large bucket of water. Allow the children to drop small heavy objects in and watch the small ripples each object made in the water. Discuss how sin can get bigger and bigger. Discuss how the effects of sin can reach beyond the person who committed the sin. 3. Dominoes: Bring back the dominoes from last week. Remind the children how kindness can create a chain reaction. Tell the children that sin can also create a chain reaction. Story: David was a good king. He loved God and he tried to be kind to people. David tried to do the things that God said. But he was not perfect. In today’s story we will learn about one time when King David did something very wrong. READ 2 Samuel 11-12 in your Bible or tell the story of how David's sin with Bathsheba and Nathan's Parable EMPHASIZE that:
Virtual Storybook-No Sound Printable Storybook
Review Questions
God is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. God is just but God is also forgiving. Explain how this fits into God's overall story as David and Bathsheba are part of Jesus's family tree.
Activity Ideas
Lost Lamb Game
Label lamb cut outs with different sins or scenarios such as lying, stealing, disobeying, etc. Hide them around the room. Tape them under chairs and tables, behind toys, etc. Let each child take a turn going to find a lost lamb. Read the sin and scenario aloud. Discuss who this sin could hurt. References & Resources
This is the story of how David kept his promise to Jonathan by showing kindness to his son, Mephibosheth.
Key Concepts: 1. God keeps his promises and we should also. 2. We honor God when we show kindness to others. 3. David used his position as king to bless others. Saul used his position as king to bless himself. Memory Verse
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7
Old Testament Books
Jesus is My Best Friend Humble Yourself He's The King Lord, My Desire There Is A Flag Only a Little Boy David Three Kings of Israel Love is Like a Circle Do Lord, Oh Do You Remember Me? Love is Something if You Give It Away StoryBegin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. The Kindness Zone: Mark out a zone within the classroom using chairs, tape or special carpet. Read out certain acts that are kind such as sharing a toy, helping to clean up, inviting someone to sit with them at lunch, etc. If someone did that kind action that week, they move into the kindness zone. If time allows, let them share the details of their kind act. 2. The Domino Effect: Set up a chain of dominos. Discuss what a domino effect is and compare it to kindness. You can read more about this idea from Meaningful Mama. Story: Saul’s life came to an end in a battle with the Philistines on the plain of Jezreel. As the Israelites were being overcome, they fled up the slopes of Gilboa seeking refuge and it was there that King Saul and three of his sons, including Jonathan, were killed. While David was deeply grieved by the death of Saul and his good friend Jonathan, upon their deaths David became king. He and his followers to return to Israel. They returned to Judah, the southern part of the country, and settled in the town of Hebron, which is fifteen to twenty miles south of Jerusalem. It was at Hebron that the leaders of Judah anointed David and proclaimed him their king. Overall, David was a kind king who tried his best to follow God and lead the Israelites in a way that pleased the Lord. Sometimes, he made mistakes, but many times he did the right thing. This is a story of a time King David showed kindness. READ 2 Samuel 9 in your Bible or tell the story of how David Showed Kindness to Mephibosheth. EMPHASIZE that:
Virtual Storybook Printable Story
Review Questions
God is...
Connect the character trait of kindness, loyalty and humility to God's character. How did David's choices honor God?
Activity Ideas
Mephibosheth Worksheet
Allow children to put bandages on his feet and glue popsicle crutches into his hands. Supplies: small bandaids, small popsicle sticks, glue
Amazing Kindness Mazes
References & Resources
This is the story of David and Jonathan's friendship. Jonathan demonstrates the character traits of loyalty, kindness and humility.
Key Concepts: 1. Jonathan submitted to God's will, even though it meant giving up the throne. 2. Humility means putting others ahead of ourselves. 3. Jonathan stood up for what was right, and protected his friend. Memory Verse
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7
Old Testament Books
Jesus is My Best Friend Humble Yourself He's The King Lord, My Desire There Is A Flag Only a Little Boy David Three Kings of Israel Samuel Song Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Brainstorm: Ask the kids to help you brainstorm character traits you look for in a friend. Ideas: Loyalty, Kindness, Fun, etc. 2. Sin Take Over: Prepare a clear bowl of water. Slowly place a drop of food coloring in the water. Allow the kids to watch as the drop of food coloring slowly colors all the water. Continue to slowly add drops until the bowl is changed to a different color. Discuss how small sins can slowly grow and take over our lives. Use some bleach to make the water clear again. Story: We have been talking about Saul and how his actions did not please God. Today we are going to discuss how he allowed the sin of jealousy to cause him to try to kill David. His son Jonathan showed himself to be a true friend by rescuing David from the hand of his father, even though it meant giving up the throne. READ I Samuel 18:1-20; 42 in your Bible or tell the story of how Jonathan rescued David from the hand of Saul. EMPHASIZE that:
Virtual Storybook Printable Story
Review Questions
God is...
Connect the idea that God is a true friend to us, just like Jonathan was a true friend to David. Challenge the kids to come up with a God is statement based on this lesson. For example, God is my best friend, God is loyal, God will protect me...
Activity Ideas
Friendship Bracelets
Pick a bracelet craft kit or pattern that is age appropriate for you class.
Arrows and Arrow Bag Craft Printable by Ministry Ark
You will also need: scissors, glue, tape, markers or crayons and popsicle sticks
Find a Friend Game
References and Resources
This is the story of how God helped a young shepherd boy defeat a giant named Goliath.
Key Concepts: 1. All things are possible though God's strength. 2. We can have courage when we are fighting on God's side. 3. God uses small things to prepare his people for big things. Memory Verse
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7
Old Testament Books
Do Lord He's The King Lord, My Desire There Is A Flag Only a Little Boy David Three Kings of Israel StoryBegin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Measure Up-Create a large cut out or yard stick to demonstrate Goliath's height. (Reference: Let the kids take turns measuring how tall they would be next to Goliath. 2. Take Aim: Create a simple target game using Solo cups and a ping pong ball. Let the children test their aim. Discuss how difficult it would be to kill a giant with a sling. 3. Scavenger Hunt Puzzle from Oriental Trading Story: Last week, we learned how God chose his new king, David. Today we are going to discuss how David showed himself to be a true hero. His faith in God gave him the courage to stand up to a giant when even Israel's mightiest warriors were shaking in their sandals. READ I Samuel 17:1-58 in your Bible or tell the story of how God helped David defeat Goliath. EMPHASIZE that:
Virtual Storybook-No Sound Printable Storybook from Trueway Kids
Review Questions
God is...
Challenge the children to come up with "God is" statements based on this story such as God is faithful, God is powerful, etc.
Activity Ideas
Inspire the Mom David and Goliath Craft Kit (story wheel, color your own puzzle, memory verse craft and sheep)
Resources & References
This is the story of how God chose David to replace Saul as the leader of Israel and promised David that the Messiah would come through his descendants.
Key Concepts: 1. God does not judge a person based on outside appearances. The Lord looks at our heart. 2. David was courageous, patient and faithful. He was described as a man after God's own heart. 3. David was still a man and sinned. His sin shows us the amount of damage and heart than can be caused when we are not truthful. Memory Verse
"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7
Old Testament Books
Do Lord He's The King Lord, My Desire There Is A Flag Only a Little Boy David Three Kings of Israel Samuel Song Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1.Sweet vs. Salty: Have the children sample crackers with two types of icing. Mix some salt into one and the other leave with sugar. They should look alike but have a very different taste. Discuss how you can’t always judge something based on how it looks. (Check allergies before this activity). 2.Sheep Round Up: Blow up white balloons and spread them around the room. Challenge the kids to round them up using long poster tubes as staffs. Use this game to introduce the idea that God’s next king was a shepherd boy. Story: We have been talking about Saul and how his actions did not please God. Last Sunday, we discussed how God told Samuel that he had rejected Saul as King. Since God rejected Saul as King his attitude and choices became worse and worse. In fact, God chose a new King to take Saul’s place named David. Today, we are going to learn about David's anointing as Israel's' new king. READ I Samuel 16:1-23 in your Bible or tell the story of how David was chosen from among his brothers. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual Aid Resources Virtual Storybook-No Sound Printable Story from Trueway Kids
Activity IdeasResources & References |
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