In Ephesians 6: 10-17, Paul tells the Ephesians that to be ready against Satan, we must put on the full armor of God. The second piece of armor is the breastplate of righteousness. Our heart is a very important part of our body to protect! As Christians, we must also protect our heart from the devil and the world around us. Paul knew that in order to protect ourselves from a corrupt world, we have to be righteous and stand for what it right!
Today, we are going to remember a story in the Old Testament about Noah. The Bible tells us that Noah was the only person on the whole Earth that did what was right! His righteousness saved himself and his family from the flood. When we are righteous, it protects us from the consequences of sin too! Key Themes: 1. God wants me to know and do what is right. 2. I need to put on the breastplate of righteousness. 3. There are two kingdoms-God's and Satan's. We should choose to stand for God's kingdom. Memory Verse
Ephesians 6:11 ESV
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Songs
1,2,3 The Devil's After Me
Books of the New Testament Be Careful Little Eyes This Little Light of Mine There is a Flag that Flies in the Castle of My Heart I'm in the Lord's Army My God is So Big I Am A C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N Saint's Medley Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Wrapped Sucker or Candy by Supplies Needed: Suckers or wrapped candy Hold up a sucker or piece of wrapped candy and ask what the purpose is of a sucker/candy. (to be enjoyed) What purpose does the wrapper on the sucker/candy have? (protect it so it can fulfill its purpose) more at 2. The Heart Attack Supplies: Heart Shaped Target, and Nerf Gun or Felt Heart and Velcro Ping Pong Balls Allow each child to take turns trying to hit the target. ASK: How important is your heart? Would you say it is one of the most important parts of your body? Why? SAY: Sometimes it feels like Satan is trying to get me right in the heart. Like when someone says something mean or discouraging to me. Or when something sad happens. Or when I am scared. Paul knew that in a battle with the devil, it is very important that we guard our hearts. That is why he told the Ephesians to put on the breastplate of righteousness. Story: Paul knew that soldiers wore breastplates of armor to protect their heart. If their heart became damaged in battle, they would definitely lose the battle with their enemy. It would be the first place and enemy would go for. Satan is always looking for that one chance to take us away from God. However, if we do what is RIGHT and follow God, we can fight with confidence of knowing that our righteousness protects us from anything the devil can throw at us! In the Old Testament, a man named Noah was also protected because of his righteousness. SHOW the story of Noah or read Genesis 6:9-9:17 in the Bible. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Breastplate of Righteousness Coloring Page from Trueway Kids
Note: You can make a coloring page a little more exciting by allowing the kids to color using something other than traditional crayons. For example, water colors, metallic crayons, or dot markers are sometimes just enough of a different medium to get the kids excited. You could also supply these dot stickers (especially in metallic colors) to make it more a mixed media project.
In Ephesians 6: 10-17, Paul tells the Ephesians that to be ready against Satan, we must put on the full armor of God. The first piece of armor was the belt of truth. Lies are one of the main weapons of the devil. In fact, in John 8:44, Jesus said that Satan is the father of lies.
A lie is very dangerous. It can cause fear, harm and divide friends, families and churches. Today, we are going to remember a story in the Old Testament about a brother who lied. He caused heartache and pain for his entire family and faced some consequences too. Key Themes: 1. God wants me to know the truth and to only say things that are truthful. 2. I need to put on the belt of truth. 3. There are two kingdoms-God's and Satan's. We should choose to stand for God's kingdom. Memory Verse
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.
1,2,3 The Devil's After Me
Books of the New Testament Be Careful Little Eyes This Little Light of Mine There is a Flag that Flies in the Castle of My Heart I'm in the Lord's Army My God is So Big I Am A C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N Saint's Medley Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Two Truth and a Lie Each person takes turns sharing two things that are true about themselves and one thing that is a lie. The group has to try to guess which of the things is a lie. SAY: How do you feel when someone really lies to you? Can you trust that person? 2. Trick or Truth Object Lessons Recreate some of these trick or truth object lessons to get the kids thinking about how they determine what is true. SAY: How do we decide what is true? How do we know what the Bible says is true? Story: When Paul visited Ephesus, Paul met people who were eager to learn more about following God. However, he was locked in prison in Rome and couldn't visit them so he wrote them a letter. He wanted to teach the Ephesians that God had equipped them with everything they needed to battle with Satan. First, they would need to put on the belt of truth. Paul knew that we were battling "the Father of Lies." In order to defeat a liar, you would need to arm yourself with truth! READ Ephesians 6:10-14a. SAY: Today, I want to remind you of a story in the Old Testament. Jacob was a man who was not truthful. Show the story of Jacob Deceives Esau or read Genesis 27. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
As Paul sat in prison in Rome, he had a strong desire to continue his ministry. He wrote letters to the churches continuing to help them grow in their knowledge of the Lord. He wanted to help the Ephesians understand the work of Satan, and the evil and darkness they would face. Like Jesus, Paul used something the people were familiar with to teach them--kingdom, wars, and soldiers.
Key Themes: 1. God's power is stronger than the devil's power. 2. When I put on the armor of God, I am equipped to face any trial that may come. 3. There are two kingdoms-God's and Satan's. We should choose to stand for God's kingdom. Memory Verse
Ephesians 6:11 ESV
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Songs
1,2,3 The Devil's After Me
Books of the New Testament Be Careful Little Eyes This Little Light of Mine There is a Flag that Flies in the Castle of My Heart I'm in the Lord's Army My God is So Big I Am A C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N Saint's Medley Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. King Who (Older) Supplies: Crown, King Who Questions, Chair or Stool Choose a volunteer. Let them sit on the "throne" and wear the crown. Ask them various questions about kings and queens of the Bible. As long as they get them right, they stay on the throne. When they can't answer a question or get one wrong, the other kids are given the right to take their place as "king of the mountain." Play continues until all the questions have been asked. 2. Kingdom of Light vs. Kingdom of Darkness Supplies: candle, lighter OR flashlight, OR glow sticks Spend some time before class covering windows and making sure very little light is left in the room when you turn off the lights. Be sure to warn the children before turning off the lights. SAY: In the Bible, God's kingdom is described as a kingdom of light. Satan's kingdom is described as a kingdom of darkness. ASK: Why do you think the devil likes the dark so much? (Sample answers: No one can see the bad things you do, you are stuck and can't do good things very well, easy to get tripped, etc.) ASK: What are good things about light? (Make things grow, see where you're going, help others find their way, etc.) *Turn off the lights* SAY: Satan wants his kingdom of darkness to win. His kingdom is empty, and sad and sometimes even scary! (Light the candle/flashlight/glowsticks) But God has told us that his kingdom of light is going to win. God's kingdom is good and happy! There isn't even scary or sad things in God's kingdom! Jesus told us that we are the light and it is our job to shine. When we shine our light, we are fighting the darkness away. When we shine our light, we are battling against the kingdom of darkness. Sing This Little Light of Mine 3. Teach this Armor of God Song and sing it each week for the rest of the series. SHOW the story Two Kingdoms or read Ephesians 6:10-13. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Paul's desire to share the gospel with anyone who would listen led him on a journey to preach and teach to many different people in many different places. Through his travels, he faced challenges and hardships from shipwrecks to snake bites. He faced people who welcomed him and those who adamantly opposed him.
Through it all, Paul recognized that Satan's greatest desire was to cause trouble and heartache for God and his people. Wars and battles were something that happened often--countries invading and conquering other countries. Paul called the battle against Satan spiritual warfare. Satan is trying everything he can to invade the hearts of God's people. We have to be strong and not let him find a way in. This is the story of some of the things that happened during Paul's time in Ephesus. You can read more about this in Acts 28: 1-31. Key Themes: 1. God's power is stronger than the devil's power. 2. When I put on the armor of God, I am equipped to face any trial that may come. 3. There are two kingdoms-God's and Satan's. We should choose to stand for God's kingdom. Memory Verse
Ephesians 6:11 ESV
11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Songs
1,2,3 The Devil's After Me
Books of the New Testament Be Careful Little Eyes This Little Light of Mine There is a Flag that Flies in the Castle of My Heart I'm in the Lord's Army My God is So Big I Am A C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N Saint's Medley Story
Begin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time
Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Build Your Muscles Optional Supplies: Small Weights, example of a healthy food like an apple Kids love to show off their muscles. Ask each kid to show your their muscles. Be sure to make a big deal about how big and strong they are! : SAY: God gave us muscles. Muscles help us do hard work like lifting or carrying heavy things. If I wanted to build my muscles and make them bigger, what could I do? Exercise (demonstrate lifting the weight) is one way I could make my muscles bigger and stronger. I can also fill my body with healthy food that will make my body strong. (Show them examples of healthy food). Optional: Let each child have some of the healthy snack and take a turn "working" their muscles. SAY: Paul knew that in order to be strong against Satan, we need to be strong in God's power. He included that in his letter to the Ephesians. 2. The Fear Zone Game by Children's Supplies: Enough Tennis Balls for Half Your Class, Masking Tape, Large Sheet of Paper or Expo Board, Markers Have enough tennis balls so that each Roller will begin the game with one. Use two strips of masking tape to mark three playing areas. (Click here to see a map of the playing areas). Clear the playing area of any obstacles. Work with the children to create a list of things kids fear. Write these ideas on paper, then post this where kids can easily see it. Have children form two teams, the Rollers and the Defenders. Have the Rollers stand in section A and the Defenders stand in section B. SAY: We’ve talked about common fears. Now let’s play a game to see how well we’re able to stop those fears. The Rollers will call out a fear from our list, then roll a ball toward the Defenders. The balls must stay on the floor, but the Rollers can have as many balls in play at a time as they like. Defenders will stand behind their line and try to keep the balls from getting past them and into the Fear Zone. Balls can be stopped only with your hands, and they must be gently rolled back to the Rollers. If a ball gets into the Fear Zone, it has to stay there and can’t be returned to the game. Begin the game. Encourage kids to play quickly, rolling balls as soon as they are returned. After several minutes, have teams switch roles and play again. ASK: Ephesians 6:10 says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” How can God’s power help us be strong enough to face our fears? SAY: Even though some of the fears got past these Defenders, nothing can get past God. No matter what the problem, we don’t have to be afraid because God is most powerful. Story: When Paul visited Ephesus, Paul met people who were eager to learn more about following God. However, he could not return and teach them more because he was in prison in Rome! Did Paul let this stop him? No! He used this time in prison to write letters to the churches. We are studying part of the letter he wrote to the church in Ephesus. This is the story of some of the trials that Paul faced after he left Ephesus. Perhaps, these experiences inspired him to encourage the Ephesians to "Be Strong in the Lord." SHOW the story Paul Arrives in Rome or read Acts 28:1-31 in the Bible. You may want to focus one or two parts of the story for time's sake. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsGod is...
Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story.
Science Experiment: God Gives Us His Strength Object Lesson
Supplies: Two Balloons (check for latex allergies!), Water, Lighter
Craft: Soft Made Strong Cross by Ministry to Children
Supplies: Cross or popsicle sticks, Yarn or string, markers or crayons, scissors, jewels, decorations, etc. Use flimsy materials on their own that become strong when assembled into the power of the cross. This study is focused on the Armor of God. We can find the description of the Armor of God in the book of Ephesians. Ephesians in found in the New Testament, and was originally a letter written by Paul to encourage his the church in Ephesus. Paul was a man who was zealous (or had a powerful energy) for God. Once Jesus confronted him on the road to Damascus and called him to follow him, Paul put that same passion towards the cause of Christ. He was a missionary who traveled around teaching people about Jesus, baptizing them and helping them start churches. This is the story of some of the things that happened during Paul's time in Ephesus. You can read more about this in Acts 19: 1-41. Key Themes: 1. God's power is stronger than the devil's power. 2. When I put on the armor of God, I am equipped to face any trial that may come. 3. There are two kingdoms-God's and Satan's. We should choose to stand for God's kingdom. Memory Verse11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Songs1,2,3 The Devil's After Me Books of the New Testament Be Careful Little Eyes This Little Light of Mine There is a Flag that Flies in the Castle of My Heart I'm in the Lord's Army My God is So Big I Am A C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N Saint's Medley StoryBegin Class with Songs, Games, Table Activity, or Sharing Time Open Class in Prayer Introducing the Story Ideas 1. Good News vs. Bad News Ask the kids if they have ever read a newspaper or watched the news. Say: I am going to read some headlines. I want you to give a thumbs up if that's good news and a thumbs down if it is bad news. Be sure the news stories are age appropriate. You can also make up silly made-up headlines such as: "Hershey's announces a new flavor of Hershey's kiss that will include chocolate mixed with spinach." OR "Local school district will now provide each student with a chrome book and a puppy for in class use." Be sure the kids know these headlines are Untrue, and to be silly! : SAY: Sometimes the SAME new story will be good news to some, and bad news for others. For example, if you were allergic to dogs, giving everyone a dog at your school would be bad news! When Paul told the people of Ephesus about Jesus, it was good news for some! But for those who practiced evil and didn't want to repent it was bad news! 2. Orange Your Glad You Have God's Armor Supplies: Clementine Oranges (some peeled; some with peels on), Bowls or containers of water Demonstrate how a peeled orange will sink but an orange with the peel still on will float. In life, if we have God's protection, he will not let us sink! In today's story, Paul was protected by God's power and he was able to face lots of angry people who were against him and against teaching about the true God. Paul knew he had God's protection and he was not afraid. (See this demonstration of the experiment.) Story: When Paul visited Ephesus, Paul met people who were eager to learn more about following God. However, he also faced others who made lots of money selling false God's or people who believed in sorcery and worshipped evil spirits. To some, the gospel was good news. To others, it meant that they wouldn't be able to sell as many of their idols and they were angry! This is the story of how God protected Paul in Ephesus. SHOW the story Paul in Ephesus or read Acts 19:1-41 in the Bible. You may want to focus one or two parts of the story for time's sake. EMPHASIZE that:
Visual AidsVideo: The Apologetics of Paul in Ephesus by Apologetics Press (better for older) Video: Paul's Missionary Journeys by Bible Project (better for older) Video: Where is Ancient Ephesus by Drive Thru History with David Stotts (better for older) God is...Connect the story back to God and his character. Explain how this story fits into God's overall story. ActivitiesKnocking Down Idols Review Game Supplies: Small toy bowling set, foil, review questions Wrap each bowling pin in silver to create "idols." Divide the kids into teams. When they answer a review question correctly, let them "bowl" down idols for points. The team with the highest amount of points wins. Armor of God Ring Cards from Oriental Trading Tell the kids: Paul would later teach the Ephesians about how to face evil forces. He called it the armor of God. We will be learning about each piece of armor. Salt Dough Map Make a salt dough map of Paul's Third Missionary Journey. You can find directions on this blog. This would be an activity that could stretch across several classes and could be used over the span of the unit. Rooted in Christ Craft Ideas from
Paul had seen first hand the dark forces the Ephesians faced. In his letter to the Ephesians, he said that he prayed that they would be "rooted in loved" and have the strength to face all the powers of evil. Read Ephesians 3:14-21. Discuss the importance of roots to a plant. Then, you can make a painted roots picture OR a planted in Jesus pail. |
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